Little Toy

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Barker immerged from the ground holding Kanna tightly in his arms.  It took Kanna a second to process what had just happened.  Oncle second she was at camp and the next she's standing in front of a large and dirty looking ship.  

Barker leaned into her ear and whispered, "Now you're my toy."

Kanna shivered in disgust at his words. She didn't like the tone in his voice.  He said it like she was an object to be used then disposed of.  It angered her, she wasn't his 'toy'.
"Let go!" Kanna screamed and headbutts the large man in the face with the back of her head, causing him to loosen his grip on her.

She used that chance to slip out of his arms and make a break for it.  Barker growls and lunges his body at her but she side stepped out of the way at the last second, barley managing to dodge him.  He face plants on the ground and looks up only to get kicked in the face by Kanna. He yells angrily at her. She then jumpes over him and runs towards the thick jungle. 

It seems that training with Ben had came in handy, Kanna smirks pridefully.  She didn't actually think she could esca-.... Spoke to soon. Just as she reached she reached the edge of the jungle four men popped out.  Three were holding crates and supplies the had gotten from the sub and the fourth only held a picture and was looking at the picture with a weird expression on his face.  Ricos expression turned serious once he saw his leader get off the ground with a bloody noes.

"That fucking bitch!" Barker screeches. 

Barker turns his arm into mud and shoots it at her.  Her reaction was to slow and the mud wrapped around her, trapping her arms against her waist.  She tries to move but the mud only tightens squeezing her and making it hard for her to breath. 

Barker slowly walks up behind her and growls, "That wasn't very smart.  I was going to be gentle but it looks like you'd preferred if I be rough. 

With that said he swiftly hit the back of her neck, instantly knocking her unconscious.

"Lock the bitch up!"


"What?!" The Heart Pirates yalled in unison.

"We're going to rescue her right?" Penguin asked out of concern for his comrades wellbeing.

Law gave Penguin a threatening glare, "Of course we are. But first we need a plan." Law grabbed Ikkaku by the arm and roughly shoved her in front of him. "Ikkaku here knows where they're docked and how many of them there are."

Ikkaku fumbled with her fingers before quickly doing a 90° bow. "I'm so sorry!" she yelled, "I put something into your drinks to make you sleep so they could steal from you.  It was to save my friends!"

The crew listened attentively as Ikkaku explained her situation and how her friends would die if she disobeyed Barkers orders. 

The crew shake their heads in approval, "We forgive you Ikkaku!" they yelled and pulled her into a group hug (besides Law, Bart, and Dochi).

"Don't worry Ikkaku we'll save your friends too!" Shachi cried rubbing his face against her cheek. 

Laws eye twitched, "Who said we are helping her? She is the reason we're in this mess."

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