Captains Hat

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When Law and Kanna reached the sub no one was there. They were probably still out having fun. Who knows when anyone would return. It was still pretty early so they could be out for hours. Since no one was on the sub that meant the cheff, Dochi, wasn't in the kitchen. Kanna knew she wasn't a good cook but was surprised when Law started pulling out ingredients for spaghetti. Law knew it was a simple dish and hard to mess up.

"Do you like spaghetti?" Law asks after getting out all the ingredients.

Kanna nods, "Yes, but you know how to cook?" she asked genuinely surprised.

"More or less," Law chuckled with a shrug.

Kanna helped Law prepare their dinner. It turned out fine but no where near as good as Dochis cooking. After dinner the two cleaned up their mess and Kanna went to her room.

Kanna was im the middle of taking off her jacket when she heard an angry yell coming from Law. Her jacket fell to the floor and she stared at her door for a secong with a raised eyebrows.

"PENGUIN!" she heard Law yell again.

Kanna left her room to find her captain to figure out what made him so mad. Law was usually calm and didn't get angry that easily so it had to be something pretty bad. She first checked his room

"not here."

She then checked the control room.

"Nope," she scratched her head in thought, "where could he be?"

Lastly she checked the laundry room and there he was. She first noticed somthing mangled in his hand then saw his pissed off expression which was directed at her when she came in. You could practically see the anger seeping off of him, and it made her shiver. Law took a deep breath, realizing he was glaring at her, and apologized.

"Is that?" Kanna started to ask taking another look and the mangled hat in his hand.


Kanna gently took the ruined hat out of Laws hand and inspected the damage.

"It's not really that bad," she said more to herself then to Law.

It really wasn't as bad as it looked. The ring that was once around the hat was torn off and there were a few rips here and there, but it was fixable.

"I could fix it." she offered.

Law looked relived and started walking twards his room where his sewing kit was. Kanna followed close behind still looking at the pieces of the hat in her hands. Both entered Laws room and Kanna watched as he scrambled for somthing in his desk. Law pulled out a small sewing kit and handed it to her.

She looked at it and let out a soft laugh, "You keep a sewing kit in your desk?"

"Its not the first time my hat has been messed up.....but it was always a small rip or a hole."

Kanna placed herself onto Laws bed and sat criss-cross with the kit in her lap. Law sat on his desk chair and watched as Kanna started skillfully mending his hat. He looked at her concentrating face and inwardly smiled. He found it cute. Kannas hair was still fixed up but he could see the natural messiness coming back to her hair, the hair spray didnt hold very well. Law notice he preferred it messy. It matched her clumsiness which made her cute. Law eyes then trailed down to her exposed legs. He found his mind wondering to inappropriate thoughts. Her legs looked so soft. He then let his eyes wonder the natural curves of her body. He took notice of her lack of clothes, without her jacket she only had on pretty short shorts on and a reviling tube top. Law had to force himself from attacking her right then. His eyes finally found her face again.

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