Good Morning

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Kanna snuggles closer to Laws naked body. He was warm and the morning was cold. Her legs tangled with his and her head lies comfortably on his shoulder. She opened her eyes and stares at Laws chest. She starts drawing circles on it with her fingers. She couldn't remember a time she was so happy and content. Sure she was sore but she regrets nothing. Kanna replayed last nights events over in her head. Law was gentle with her, completely opposite of what she thought he would be. Her face grew hot, thinking about last nights events made her embarrassed.

After awhile of laying comfortably in Laws arms she decided to attempt to slip out of the bed without disturbing the man beside her. It wouldn't be easy considering his bed was placed beside the wall and she was the one on the wall side. So she would have to crawl over Law in order to get out of bed which would prove difficult.

She gently untangle herself from Law and slipped one leg around his torso and proceeded to crawl over him.

'Almost there,' Kanna mentaly cheers herself on while reaching her leg twards the ground.

Once her leg touched the ground she glanced at Law to see if he was still sound asleep. Before she knew it, she felt her foot slip and the ground was inches from her face. She closed her eyes and swings her arms in to her face to brace for impact.


Law awoke in his bed alone.  Kanna wasn't beside him like he expected her to be.  He rubbed his eyes and glanced over at the clock. The clock read 1:00P.M.  Law stared at the clock for a second as his brain wakes up.  After a few seconds he jults up into a sitting position and grabs she clock off his night stand.

"One O'clock in the afternoon?!" The groggy Captain practically yells.

He's never sleeps this late, ever.  He was usually lucky to get 5 hours a night....if that.  Law also realized he didn't even notice Kanna crawl out of bed.  She slept be the wall so she'd have to crawl over him to get out of bed.  Surly that should have woken him.but it didn't.  Sighing and rubbing his eyes ones more, Law slipped out of bed.  He tosses the clock onto the night stand not caring how it landed on the wooden table.  He groggily slipped on him black pajama pants and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Doflamingo is my uncle I have a good chance to gain his trust and-" Kannas voice rang in his head. "Sorry forget I mentioned it."

"Why did she back down so easily?" Law hummed in thought. 'She seemed pretty persistent when she brought it up only to back down so quickly. Why?'

Law looked back at his empty bed.

'She wouldn't......' Law reassured himself and slipped on a plain black shirt. 'Would she?'

Law yanked open his door and bulted down the subs halls in a panic.

'She wouldn't!' Law mentally yelled grinding his teeth together as he checked every door he passed.

No sign on Kanna. 

"Damn it!" Law hissed and slammed open the lounge door.

The loud bang startled the crew members who sat around the large table playing poker.  They turn to their Captain with puzzled looks.

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