Chapter 57

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I'm floating through an abyss of stars. They seem to glimmer and twirl throughout the  space, almost as if gently blown by a breeze. As I look around, I see I'm surrounded by thousands of them, all spread out and glittering. However, one stands out a little more than the others. I reach out to touch it, surprised when my finger makes contact with the warm smooth surface. Pulling it towards me, I bring it into the palm of my hand. It's as smooth as if it was made out of metal, the edges rounded and soft, though the glow and sparkles tell me otherwise. The star shimmers as I stroke my thumb over it and for a moment I feel nothing but content. This one star speaks to me for some reason, and I feel like I've seen it before. The other stars seem to lean in as I slowly turn my star over in my hand. At first, it appears like the front: beautiful, shining, and wonderful. Looking closer, I see words slowly begin to form. The etched curves and swirls begin to spell out my name as I look on in amazement. As it finishes, the other stars come closer and begin to move around me, floating through the air slowly and carefully. My star glows brighter and begins to lift off of my hands. I hesitantly let go, watching in wonder as it straightens itself it in front of me. The stars go over to it, surrounding it as it shines brighter than before. I close my eyes as it gets too bright to see and then everything gets darker. I slowly open my eyes and gasp. In front of me is a small floating fairy. My eyes widen as I take in her outfit, the shimmering dress decorated with small crystals and her gorgeous sparkling wings. Her hair is adorned with tiny flowers and leaves. She delicately folds her hands in front of her and begins to speak.

'Dash, I am happy to finally meet you.' She looks up at me.

'I... uhm...' I struggle to form words as the stars start embracing me and pulling me towards her.

'You see, not many people actually make it to this dimension. It only comes in a very deep sleep, one which most can not achieve. You, Dash, are special. Because you have made it to this realm, I am able to communicate with you. My name is Daphne. I am your personal fairy keeper and helper. I will come if you are in danger or you desire my help.' She reaches her arms out in front of her and a small light appears between them. I uncomfortably try moving away, but the new stars press into my back and won't allow me to move backwards. The light grows slightly bigger and she places it into her left hand.

"So, uh, what's that ball of light?" I hesitantly ask as she moves closer to me.

"This is a gift for you," she grins, pressing her palm onto my chest. I watch as the light disappears and then travels along my body to every inch possible before snuffing out. Daphne looks pleased and floats back. The stars around me begin to spiral through the sky, leaving trails of sparkles and fragments of a shining object. I squint, trying to make out what it is, but it becomes too bright to watch. Closing my eyes, I feel the stars gently flying past me, and then all goes dark. I open my eyes to find a beautiful object floating in front of me, the same material from the stars. It's in the shape of a sun, or a flower of some sort, and made out of a beautiful silver accented with a light rose color when moved. It's etched with delicate details and looks too beautiful to actually be real.

"What is it?" I ask in wonder and amazement, reaching out to touch it. The cool material feels like the metal of the star I held earlier, soft, sleek, and not of this world.

"This is where I shall stay," Daphne flies over. She sweeps her arm slightly and the object shrinks down. A chain appears and hooks through the top, and I realize that it is a necklace. Daphne motions for me to pick it up, so I reach out my hand and gently pluck it out of the air. Turning it over in my hand, I smile softly and admire how beautiful the pendant really is. Gently undoing the clasp, I slowly put the necklace on, enjoying how it fits me just right and isn't too long or too short. I feel... different. Stronger. Powerful. More awake? The sky starts fading it's a bright pink around me and Daphne looks shocked for a moment.

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