Chapter 51

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"Is she awake?"

"What did Scarlett DO to her?!?"

"Shh, guys, I think she's opening her eyes." The first thing I see is pink. Pink everywhere over anything and everything. Then it's just a bunch of balloons. Peony jumps around and squeals.

"Guys! I knew she'd wake up!!!" She screams, throwing confetti everywhere. I yawn and accidentally breathe a piece in, therefore sending me into a coughing fit. Peony lets me hack my lungs out for a few seconds before sheepishly apologizing. Twi teleports into the room.

"Okay, I made sure to also leave a tip. Oh, hey, Dash! You're awake!" She grins. I continue coughing and nod. Twi sends a glare to Peony, who holds her hands up in surrender as if me choking on confetti was absolutely not her fault at all. Twi rolls her eyes and and snaps her fingers. I can now breathe and the confetti piece is gone. Phew, that wasn't fun. I mean, maybe you like that sort of thing, but I personally don't. Snapping her fingers again, Twi makes a stack of books on my shelf appear next to my bed, which I just realized has a few blankets on the edge.

"Since we were out, Preston decided to get you some blankets, though I'm sure you didn't need them last night," Flit wiggles her eyebrows at me. I blink and hold back a snort of laughter. Unicity's eyes widen.

"Whaaaaat? Did something happen and I didn't know about it?!?" She squeals in excitement. I snicker. "WAIT. TWI DID SHE USE THE-"

"Noooo no no no NO. Unicity we promised never to speak of that again," I wave my finger in front of her face.

"But DID you?!?" She squeaks hopefully. I put on my Frisk expression (A/N equivalent to -_-)and shake my head. Her face falls and she shrugs. "Well, I'm sure you'll need them sometime." Okay, that's where I disagree. There is NO way, EVER, that I would even CONSIDER using that... that... thing! Preston sits on the edge of the bed and stares intently at me. Huh, I wonder what he's thinking about.

"Okay, so Dash, now we need to get serious. What exactly did Scarlett say?" Twi asks.

"She said, and I quote, 'Hello, Dash. I thought I would let you know that Catanya and I are enjoying watching you hang around and ski. Too bad that won't last for the entire trip. Until the future!' before disappearing," I sigh.

"What's that supposed to meaaannnn?" Peony whines.

"They're planning an attack," Twi suddenly realizes, her eyes widening. "Okay, now we're going to have to take precautions. Anyone who is NOT sharing a room-" she looked pointedly at Unicity "will now be with someone else. If possible, we will push the two beds together so there isn't as much of a chance for single attacks."

"But whyyyy...?" Unicity pouts.

"Think of it this way. If someone is sleeping close to the wall, like Dash here, it would be very easy to break through the wall and get to her. If there are two people close together it would be harder to pick us off one by one," Twi explains. I blush. So that means I am technically still sharing a bed with Preston. Oh boy, that's pretty awkward. Wait, does that mean she and Mitch are doing it also? I raise an eyebrow and she discreetly nods. Phew! Hee hee, I should tease her about that later. After all, I've been getting a lot of nonsense from everyone lately. Rolling my eyes, I wait for her to finish her lecture before shooing people out of my room and closing the door. Preston can stay, of course. I pick up my phone and press on a playlist from Soundcloud. I scroll through it before selecting a song and setting it on the dresser. Preston helps me to push my bed against his (obviously moving the blankets and such first) and we step back to admire our work. Meh, it'll do. I would rather have my own space, but last night WAS really cold until Preston... errr... let's forget that for now. I pick up Cupcake and hug her to my chest, my wings folding around my arms. Too bad it's too cold outside, otherwise I'd totally go for a flight. Preston walks over and strokes my wings soothingly before giving me a hug for behind. He even gives Cupcake a pet! Man, what did I do to deserve him? I sigh and lean my head back so I'm looking up at him. He grins and gives me a kiss on my forehead before walking over to the bed and sitting down.

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