Chapter 28

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As they push us down the ramp, I still feel a bit edgy that my wings will be seen. You know, because they stick out and are WINGS - not natural. Not at all. I'm surprised no one else has found out yet. Well, duh, my friends have. I mean the nurses. Didn't they check me over? How would they have not noticed the bandage? Maybe they are just really unobservant. Well, that wouldn't be good, considering they are paid to work in the hospital. 

"What are you thinking about, Dash?" Peony asks me, jumping up and down as she walks.

"Just how great it'll be to finally be home again," I reply, grinning. Of course, they all know I'm super excited to fly again, but I don't want to say it in the hospital. One, they already know it, and two, everything we say is probably being recorded on the cameras. You can never be too safe in a hospital. My wings itch to be out, but right now they have to stay cramped until we get out. Keeping them close to my body, I lean back and allow myself to get wheeled out. I can walk, people! However, the nurses think it's a good idea, anyway. Yeah, boring. At least I can ditch the wheelchair when we get outside. I'll make sure I have a lot of fun doing something with it! As we go past the doctors and nurses to the elevator, I look back at Peony. She winks at me. Perfect! Pressing the button for the elevator, we all stand there, waiting. Once it shows up, who is inside surprises me. The doors open, revealing Bolt and Flash. What are they doing here?!? They walk over, giving me and Twi a hug. Just then, a nurse passes by.

"Remember, girls. Dash can not walk for two days," she says, looking sternly at me. Whatever. I just give my best grin and nod. She probably thinks that I will be rolled around by my friends and that they'll do everything for me. Well, that's what I want her to think. In my perspective, I'll just by flying. I'm actually surprised my wings didn't get hurt.

"I didn't tell you this earlier, but I healed your wings," Twi whispers to me once the nurse leaves. Now she can miracualusly heal people, too?!?!? Wow, she's good. Twi just grins. "Your legs are fine, too," she adds, "But we need to keep the wheelchair. In case anyone comes over, you need to act hurt." Awwwww great. Now I can't drop it from the sky! Bolt and Flash stand next to us all, but I'm surprised they didn't ask about our wings and magic! Actually, no one did. Raising one eyebrow, Bolt notices me staring at him.

"Do you need something, Dash?" he asks, looking worried.

"No, I'm fine. But do you remember -" I start.

"What we had for lunch on Friday?" Unicity interrupts. What? But didn't they - Jackie gives a small shake of her head. Her expression says 'I'll tell you later' clearly. Rolling my eyes, I don't hear the response given by Flash. Wait, what?

"We didn't have school Friday," he replies. But that was the day when we came back! Doesn't anyone remember that? Twi just looks confused. Rolling my eyes, we head into the elevator, closing the door behind us. Unfortunately, since the boys are here, we can't jump up and down like we always do. Peony looks heartbroken. Patting her shoulder, we roll out into the main area. Passing by the desk, I wave to the girl there as we head out.

"Well, it was nice of you to visit, but I guess I'll see you both tomorrow, I say, trying to give the impression that they should leave. Being stuck in the hospital for a few days really stunk, and all I want to do is get in touch with my inner self and fly. After a few, LONG, minutes saying goodbye and stuff, the boys head off. Getting into their car, they drive away. YES!!! Leaping up, I throw my jacket on the ground and shoot into the air. Looking behind me, I see my friends. Or, is that ants? Wait, what? Looking up, the clouds suddenly seem a LOT closer than before. Oops. Letting myself fall, I speed towards the ground and almost hit Twilight before zooming up into the air.

"DASH!" she yells, with her hand over her head.

"Sorry!" I yell behind me, grinning. The air is so clean and I can see forever up here. Miles seem shorter and cars appear to be specks of dirt on the ground. However, one building in particular appears familiar. Flying closer, I see it is where Preston and the rest of the group were staying. Hovering over the roof, I drop down - and hiss with pain. That is HOT! Rubbing the back of my leg, I instead land on the balcony. It seems only days ago that I was here at night. Well, I guess it wasn't that long ago, so maybe that's why. The curtains are open, letting me see inside. Preston is nowhere to be found. However, Jerome is sitting at the table and drinking a big cup of coffee. He keeps pausing and looking around. He almost sees me, but I duck around the corner before he can. Maybe I should go inside. That way, it won't be random that I just happen to show up on a balcony over 10 stories high. You know, because many people would not climb up the side of a hotel to spy on whoever is inside. It just doesn't seem ordinary. Well, I can't go visit now - I'm supposed to be hurt and in a wheelchair. Besides, I can't hide my wings from the others. Rolling my eyes, I turn around and fly back to the hospital. Landing behind Twi, I see that she is shading her eyes with one hand and squinting at the sky. Probably for me.

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