Chapter 17

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"Please fasten your seatbelts, we will be landing in Illinois in approximately 5 minutes," I hear over the intercom. Groaning, I lift my head up. As I squint against the bright light, I see that everyone else has also fallen asleep. I shake Jackie's shoulder, waking her up. Her hand flies out, grabbing my wrist.

"I - Hey!" I squeal, trying to pull away. When that doesn't work, I jab her in the ribs. Most people fond that incredibly annoying, but it doesn't bother me. So, it she wanted to do it back, I wouldn't care one bit. Jackie jumps up, surprised. When she sees it's just me, she sighs.

"Thanks a lot," Jackie says, glaring at me.

"You're welcome," I smirk, before adding, "Oh, and put on your seatbelt. We're starting to land." Looking out the window, I see all the lights and the runway. We were supposed to come home two weeks from now. Too late. We are already here. Altitude decreases rapidly, and for a moment it seems like we're just falling. I guess that's just turbulence. The ground gets closer and closer, before a jolt as we land. It seems so much faster when you're on the ground, watching everything whirr by. If only it was palm trees... Snap out of it, Dash! You probably won't ever see them again. Even if you did, they didn't want you to be there - what makes you think they'll want to play with you again? By play, I mean soccer. Oh, and Minecraft, which never happened in the first place. As we slow and turn into the airport area, I glance at Jackie. She seems to be missing Jerome. I feel bad for her. They hung out a lot, and, I'm guessing, had a smidge more than friendship. Just call it a hunch. Well, one thing to look forward to is our soccer team. I always lose myself there, feeling like I belong. The stewardess announces it's time to get off the plane. Grabbing my bag, I follow Jackie. The six of us meet up at the baggage claim, where I see Peony has already found hers. No wonder - it's the only piece of luggage that's bright pink and covered in sparkles. Oh, and the balloons Unicity embroidered on the front. Like I said, not that hard to find. Twi finds both hers and mine, grabbing them both before handing mine to me.

"Thanks!" I yell over the chatter of other people.

"You're welcome!" She shouts back, giving me a thumbs up. Unicity grabs her bag, and Jackie scans the belt, looking for her own. Walking up to her, I hand her the luggage she was searching for. Jackie gives Flit hers, then we all leave. Ohhhh right. A taxi. Waving our hands, we manage to get a taxi in about 5 minutes. Hey, it's not that bad. Squeezing in, we are crushed until we are going to get home. Yayyyyy..... Not. I could use my - ohhh yeah. My phone is gone. Great. So much for that idea. It's going to be a long ride. Peony starts telling corny jokes, and soon all of us are laughing, even the driver.

"Why did the bike fall down?" She asks us.

"Why did the bike fall down?!?" We shout back, exaggerating it as much as we can.

"It was 'too tired'!" Peony yells, making us all laugh. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


Thank goodness we are finally home! After a while, hearing the same jokes over and over again tends to get boring. Well, not always. In this case, yes. Very much so. Thanking the driver, I open the door. Taking as much luggage as I can, I set it on the ground. When it's all out, I shut the trunk. Opening my wallet, I pay him as much as requested (man, taxi rides cost a lot these days!). Then, we head inside. I press the button for the elevator - up.

"I get to push it!"

"Nooo!!! I do!"

"You're both wrong! Me!!!"

"Just let Dash do it!" My head turns at that. Confused, I have no idea what they're talking about.

"Do what?" I ask suspiciously. The doors open behind me, and Peony runs around into the elevator. So does everyone else. I crowd in there too. Finally, we all fit.

"Do THIS!" Peony yells, pushing the button for our floor. Ahhh I see now. Not that I wanted to, but hey, if it involves me, I want to know what you're talking about. If it doesn't, I might not really care. Like, say, you're arguing about a piece of pie. Here's my reaction: °o° !!!! Actually, more like whatever. It's a piece of pie! It's not going to kill you if you don't get it. You'd be surprised how many times that has happened at school - it never ends with no one getting it, it always becomes a huge drama production. Well, sorry, but I don't watch soap operas. Or drink coffee - I seriously don't get how people like that. The elevator dings, signaling that we're here. The doors open, and I step out, everyone crashing out after me. Hmmm...

"Runway, everyone!!!" I shout, sashaying down the hallway. I would never do this with anyone else. Luckily, my friends don't judge me - they're too busy doing it too!


Update!!! :D Sorry, for those of you who wanted them to live elsewhere! I just thought it would be easier to display the setting in one that I know. I've never actually been to Canada or Tennessee, so it would be hard to relate to that. Show some support, and slap dat like button! Also, check out rainbow-_-dash (the radical Ally), TwilightSparkleMagic (my twin/ best bud, Chrissy) and 11Pbskids (Emilyyyyyy)!!! Love ya long time!!! <3


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