Chapter 43

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I start the stroganoff and Preston works with the noodles and broccoli. Luckily, we actually had the needed ingredients for this. Normally, before you make something, you check that you have all of the ingredients, right? Well, we, er, maybe have kinda forgotten to do that... At least we had just enough for what we needed to use. I start by cutting up the onions and placing those in a pan with butter. Once those are cooked nicely, I add in the Worcestershire sauce and water. Oh, and the meat. That that simmers for about a half hour, so I get the rest of the ingredients ready for when it's done. Preston starts the noodles and when those are getting done he cuts up the broccoli. I fly around the room, trying to find something to do. My wing bangs into a cabinet door, slamming it shut. Preston jumps, sending little green leaves and stems everywhere. Awwww I guess he decided to cut up some flowers for decorations also.

"Sorry," I sigh, opening the cabinet again and grabbing some plates. I fly out to the dining room and set those down at spots, and while I do Midnight comes into my thoughts. How is she? I wonder when she'll be coming back. Just as I try to think about it, the front door opens, and she walks in. Well, at least she didn't arrive in the middle of the paint war.

"Oh, hi Dash!" She grins, looking up at me.

"Oh, um, hi Midnight," I reply, quickly sinking to the ground and folding my wings in.

"Don't worry it's okay," she sighs, smiling when she floats a couch into the air. My mouth drops open.

"Uhhhh UNICITY? Can you come here please?!?" I yell, grinning widely. She walks into the room, and when she sees Midnight she squeals and runs over to give her a giant hug.

"MIDNIGHT! I was wondering when you would come back! I see you finally got control of your magic!" She laughs. Wait, she knew about this?

"Yes, Dash, I knew about the magic," she sighs, glancing over at me. I cross my arms and blink. Twi flies into the room, stopping when she sees Midnight.

"Heyyyy, what's going on here?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. Midnight softly squeals and the chair ricochets right into the wall inches away from where Twi is hovering. "HEY! Well, I see she has magic," Twi narrows her eyes and stares at Unicity. Midnight giggles and apologizes.

"What's all the commotion about?" Mitch walks in. I roll my eyes. Great, like we needed more people here. When he sees Midnight he says a quick hi and runs back upstairs. You can here him calling for Jerome. Huh, wonder why. Jerome walks downstairs, sees Midnight standing there, and screams before bolting back to the bedroom where Mitch is laughing his head off.

"MIITTTCHHHH!!!" He yells, jumping all over him and laughing. Nice.

"Well, you girls go chat, I've gotta finish up dinner," I sigh. Twi winks at me and wiggles her eyebrows. I just blink and walk away, where I find Preston stirring a pot and putting a lid on another at the same time. He is stretched out along the counter, trying to reach both at the same time. I snort and walk over, grabbing one from him a doing it myself.

"Awww come on. I was trying to do them both at the same time!" He groans, grinning at me and giving me a hug. "What was all of the noise out there? Did Jerome bang his toe on the stairs again?" I start laughing.

"Nope. Midnight is back," I giggle, imagining Jerome running into the staircase and screaming.

"Dang, I was hoping that was the reason for his yelling," Preston sighs. Okay, that does it. I burst out laughing and use my wings to hold myself up so I don't fall over. Preston joins in, but then Mitch walks into the kitchen.

"Hey, have you guys see- " he starts, but then notices Preston, who has stepped in front of me and is staring him down.

"Nevermind..." Mitch holds up his hands and walks away. I blink a few times. Wow, protective much? Preston gives me another hug and resumes his work. So, wait, what exactly just happened. Does - I snort - Preston think Mitch is a threat? If so, he doesn't really have anything to worry about! Oops. No offense, Mitch. I giggle, and Preston looks at me.

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