Chapter 55

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I see Twi using her magic to make the water balls smack into people at exact points (mainly the face).

"Heyyyy, no fair! No magic allowed!" Jerome yells as he gets bombed with a ton. Snickering, I use my wings to block some water from Peony and whip a handful at Rob's face. He pretends to catch it and tries to throw some back at me, but Preston takes that moment to jump on his back and shove him underwater.

"Prestoooonnnn!" Rob sputters a few seconds later as Preston swims away from him as fast as possible. I giggle and chase after Preston before jumping on him. Luckily, he takes that as a time to give me a piggy-back ride. I mean, I'm not complaining, because I don't actually have to really do anything and I can pretty much just sit here. He tightens his grip under my legs and walks back to the shallow end, where Unicity is floating calmly on a pool floaty. Preston turns his head to look at me, and I nod. He helps steady me as I slowly stand up on his shoulders. My wings also help to balance me out. Once I'm ready, he braces for the pressure as I jump off of him onto the floaty. Unicity shrieks as we both go tumbling into the water. I come up laughing as she sputters and whines about how her hair is ruined, even though she can simply wave her hand and it'll be fixed. The door opens and someone walks in. Oh, great. Why is she here? I watch as Scarlett walks over and places her stuff down.

"Oh, hey, Dash!" She smirks. Aw, man, that ruins all of the fun...

"Scarlett, why are you here?" Flit whispers from behind Jerome's back.

"Nice to see you, too, Flit. I heard little Dashie over here was on vacation, so I thought it would be more fun to join," She grins menacingly at me. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, right. You just can't handle how amazingly awesome I am..." I taunt. A look of rage appears on her face.

"Look, that's not why I'm here. Catanya and I am on vacation, just like you, so kindly shut up," Scarlett hisses out.

"CATANYA'S HERE?!?" We all shriek.

"Yeah, along with my boyfriend. You might know him... he's pretty famous. Way more famous than all of you," she smirks arrogantly.

"Mhmm..." Twi replies in a very uninterested tone. I shrug.

"His name is... Pewdiepie." We all look up at her.

"Whaaaatttt?!" Peony screams. "He's only the most popular YouTuber EVER!!!" She shrieks and swims over to Scarlett. Umm... you know, she's kind of an enemy... why are you going closer to her? I shoot her a warning glare, which she promptly ignores. "Oh my gosh, can you introduce me?!?"

"Umm... sure..." Scarlett looks a bit taken aback. Does no one care about the fact that she and Catanya are here? I mean, it's not like they've tried to attack us before, or anything weird like that. Oh no, what if they planned this trip because they somehow heard about our plans! They could've been wanting to attack us at any moment's notice... Catanya walks into the room and I turn my massively unhappy glare at her.

"Catanya," I manage to hiss out.

"Hello, Dash. Nice to meet you again," she sends an evil grin my way. Preston places his hand on my wings both to keep me grounded (well, I can't exactly fly well with wet wings) and offers a small amount of comfort. Scarlett looks over to Catanya as if she wants to say something, but quickly dismisses the thought and sits down on a chair. Wow, she can't even tell to her own sister! Wait, why am I feeling sympathy for her? She's my enemy, and has been ever since that soccer incident, and now she's attacking us with Catanya! Seriously, am I the only one that noticed that there's something going in here? Why are they getting along with someone who's tried to kill us?!? Felix walks in with a towel and Peony lets everything loose. She screams for a good minute before stopping and skipping over to him.

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