Short Story!

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Hello my faithful readers! This is a shot story who was written by the amazing girl who is Midnight and Scarlett! She is Silent_senpai so be sure to check her profile out!!! This is from Catanya's perspective ^-^


(genderbend from other universe, Catanya cast a spell meant to erase all half-Equestrians from the world and screwed up, instead opened a portal):
Wow. He's hot.
Those were my first thoughts when I saw the rainbow haired male (Dashiell Woods ;3) first step out from the portal that suddenly formed in the backyard, looking around in astonishment.
I shake my head, mentally erasing all thoughts involving 'hotness'. Wait. Whaaaaaaaaat?! I fly over from the balcony, and land with a tiny 'thump' in front of him. "Who are you?" I ask.
He looks freaked out. "What the?!"
He even talks like me!! What the heck?!?!

Other male forms step out from the portal, and I can see they all resemble us girls in every way.
Honestly, what is going on?!

(Scarlett and Discord!!)
I thanked the barista and grabbed my steaming paper cup of green tea latte and went to sit in a booth near the window.
Yasssssss, my daily cup of Starbucks! The girls didn't want to come because they went swimming. Swimming or coffee? To be honest, coffee still sounds better.
I take out (favorite book/novel: Daring Do related??) and roughly thumbed to the page where I was hanggggggging on.
Omigosh, (Fav character) is about to get stabbed by her boyfriend, (some hot boy's name XDDDDDD)!
I hear the bell above the door jinggle in instinctively looked up at the couple that strutted in.
Midnight and Felix? I thought Felix was with Scarlett?? Nevermind, enemy relationships were not my buisness so I looked back down at my paperback.
"Hello Dashie!" I look up to see Midnight and Felix. Midnight was beaming and Felix had a worn-out smile on his face. For some reason, he looked tired to me.
"Hi," I reply and shoved my awesome book into my galaxy backpack, hoping they didn't see that.
"Can we sit here?" Felix sounded tired too.

Much thanks to Silent_senpai for this amazing story!!! Honestly, it means a lot to me that you wanted to write this. I never expected to receive something this awesome and it's so cool! I suggest that you actually try your hand at writing, since it seems like you are really good at it 😊 Thank you SO much again!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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