Chapter 38

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A hand strokes over my wings as I slowly wake up. Wait, what? My eyes snap open as I look around the room. I hear a quiet chuckle next to me as I remember what happened last night. Confused, I look down to see Preston looking up at me and grinning. I guess he saw my panicked check around the room. So, last night - Catanya attacked us! As soon as that comes around the pain registers. I bite back a squeal and pull my damaged wing in front of me. Preston sits up and stops holding my other wing to see if I'm okay. I hold back tears as I see the bandage over it and the mangled feathers sticking out from underneath. An arm slides over my shoulders as I try straightening out what I can. Unfortunately, that doesn't make it any better. Then I stretch it out as much as possible, which isn't even halfway to its full wingspan. Sighing, I fold it against my back and focus on my other wing (which 'accidentally' hits Preston in the face... Oops?). Well, this one is definitely better - it can go out all of the way (hitting him in the face again, only this time it's also the entirety of his body from the waist up) and doesn't have a bandage. It can also be flapped pretty good (Preston decided to lay back down before this did anything) but I will need to work on strengthening it. Which needs to wait until my other wing is better. Aaaaaaggghhhh why does it always involve waiting? Honestly!

"It isn't forever," Preston whispers next to me. I guess he knew what I was thinking. Well, it sure FEELS like forever! I grimace and lay back down on my sleeping bag. He rolls over onto his side and gives me a hug and a small kiss on my cheek.

"I GOT IT!" Lachlan yells. Everyone sits up and cheers. My wings snap open in surprise as Preston and I both sit up to see a camera in our faces.

"What the-?" I ask as I take in all of them laughing. Preston tightens his grip around my shoulders as we both stare in shock.

"Were you filming this?!?" Preston questions. Their loud laughter is our answer. Okay.... "You want something of us for a video? Here you go," he yells while grinning. Ummm... Grabbing my shoulders, he pulls me in for a very romantic kiss, which lasts for about 1-2 minutes. We pull away laughing and see everyone's faces, which are a mixture between smiling, confusion, and plain smirks.

"Woooooo!!!" Vikk yells as everyone continues staring without blinking. Mitch grabs the camera and yanks Twi in for a close up of them kissing, which is longer than Preston and I. By at least 2 minutes. If this ever goes into a video I am sneaking into the person's editing room and making this the thumbnail. At least for Mitch's channel. Nah, let's make it everyone! That'll be hard to do, but SO worth it!!! I whisper my idea to Preston and he nods as we watch Flit and Jerome have at it for even longer than Mitch and Twi! Apparently this is a contest now? Might as well stop it before this gets worse.

"When you guys are done please get ready. We have school today and it's already 7:30," I smile as I start rolling up my sleeping bag. As I make my way upstairs, I pause for a moment, thinking about what I should wear.

"WAIT! I have a teensy tiny thing you all should know," Unicity grins sheepishly. I listen as she says those soon to be bad words.

"I, um, may have a cousin coming over for a week and I promised she could stay here," she says. Ohhhhh no. "She will be arriving today after school," Noooooo..... "And that means no flying, magic, or possible 'accidents' you think you can get away with," she adds, looking at me in particular. I roll my eyes. Great. I hope she will give me my space, because otherwise I am going to have some serious problems here. And just because Unicity said no 'accidents' doesn't mean I can't do any pranks. Meaning, YES, I absolutely will, and no one can do anything to stop me. Too bad the boys can't stay around - they'd be great helpers! As I go into my room I throw some black leggings and a bright pink T-shirt on the bed. Wait, PINK?!? I slide open my drawer to find that all of my shirts and pants (minus the one on my bed, thank goodness) have been replaced with pink. All incredibly bright. Great, thanks Peony. Groaning, I change into my clothes while being careful around my injured wing. Once everything looks normal, or as normal as me wearing pink can be, I head downstairs and glare at Peony.

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