Chapter 23

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As we head out the gym doors, I'm excited to see that everyone has covered up their.... 'appendages'. Lucky for us, it doesn't show. If it doesn't show, no concerns, am I right? I pass by Bolt at his locker, and he notices me going by.

"Dash!" He shouts, coming over to give me a giant hug. His friends stare at me, probably disgusted. I have no idea why, but they all hate me for some reason. Like, we've never gotten along, relatively speaking. I flinch away before the hug gets too..... huggy. I hope he can't feel my wings! I hurry off to class, and walk past Cathy's locker, where she is currently making out with Kyle (A/N I'm pretty sure those of you who go to my school know EXACTLY who that is) which will probably make them both late to class. Really, couldn't they just do it, like, at home or something? School isn't the place to do that. Opening the door to the classroom, I sit down next to Twi.

Oh, wait, I can't. I instead sit in Isabel's seat, who is next to Mary. I remembered that Mr.Alejandro wanted us to do that.

"Hey, Twi, do you think it's going to work?" I ask her, wishing I were in the seat that she was.

"Probably. They won't shut up, and it's making it hard for me to read!" Twi says, sighing. I can vouch of that. Any time that is spent together makes it torture for those near them. Anddddd.... here come the prankies! Their reaction is priceless. Mary just stares at me in shock, and so does Isabel. They look so confused! I start snickering, but the prank was more of a flop than creating a change - they just sit next to each other somewhere else, which means I am sitting next to Jonny. Since they took his seat, he had to sit somewhere, right? I am now the only girl this table, but I don't really care. It isn't going to kill me, or will it? Dun dun duuuunnnnnn....


After a long time of classes in Social Studies and Music, it is time for lunch. Aggghhhhh we never do guitar anymore! I have to say, I am pretty good at it (A/N not as good as RD, mind you, but, hey, I'm not that bad!). Mr. Lek said he might use me to present chords, but that hasn't happened. Sure, I can practice at home, but I'd rather do other things instead. When I walk, I walk fast. People who walk snail-speed annoy me. I mean, come on! Others are trying to get to class, you know! Pick up the pace! Eventually, I get around the crowd, and - AGH! The hallway reeks of perfume of cologne and it smells awful! Gagging, I turn the lock for my combination and snag my lunch. Then, I make my way down to the cafeteria after a short stop at the bathroom. Let the fun begin.


When my reading class is over, I put my things away in my locker and make my way down to the cafeteria. On the way there, I am sad to find that my friends are already there and no seats near them are left. Oh, well. I guess I'll sit by myself. Hmmmm.... she must be new here - I've never seen her before! However, I don't feel like talking, so I take my seat and look around_ trying to spot Twi. Huh, I can't find her! Maybe she's just late. What the - who's that?!? Someone walks in, and she's new too. Her hair is a cherry red and curly. Why the heck is she wearing an incredibly tight and short black dress? Isn't that against the rules by, like, all of them? I don't even know.

"Hands up!" The principal shouts into the mike. After a few seconds the gym is silent. The normal procedure begins - welcome and blahblahblah.... I rest my head on my palm and sigh. This is going to be a while. The basketball teams are out and usually I like competition, but this is just boring. Yadayadayada we get it. Can we NOT sit here for 2 hours watching random people play a basketball game against the teachers? No one really cares who wins or loses. Just then, I see someone sprint into the gym - and. She. Has. Wings.


Sorry for the short chapter and that it took so long! School has made me really busy and I haven't had much time to write. Normally, I would  do longer, but I have finally gotten to the part where I've been waiting SO long to put in the story! Eeeeeeee!!!! The next chapter will be vvveeerryyyyyy long, as long as everything goes according to plan. Please make sure to show some support and slap dat like button, not to mention checking out these radical people -



Love ya all long time!


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