Chapter 9

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Well, my things are unpacked. Now, the only thing left to do is go downstairs. I take a deep breath. How bad could it be, really? Ummm maybe I'll just stay here for a little while longer.... Oh, wait! I forgot to unpack my stereo. When I finish, I plug in my phone, and turn on 'So Many Ores, So Little Time', the newest Minecraft Jams song. (A/N They are rreeeeaaalllyyy awesome! Please check their YouTube channel!) As I sit back on my bed, I think of how the day went. Well, first I had to get up at 4 am to catch our flight. It was a long drive there (really, only about a half hour, but that's time I could be sleeping, right?) and when we did get there, we had to go through security. That took foreeeevvvveerrrrr. Then our plane was late. We sat around for over 3 hours - after eating lunch. We were supposed to meet the guys at the airport, but our flight got there about 5 hours late, due to the weatthisi By then, they had already left. Great, right? Not really... The song changes to 'Survival', another Minecraft Jams song. Heh, that could be said true for me. I'd just like to leave. Sure, LA is great, but keep in mind the time difference. Just then, my door flies open.

"Hey, why haven't you come downstairs?" Mitch asks out of breath. I glance behind him to see Jerome attack Mitch with a HotnSpicy huuuug.(A/N Any fans out there????? You'd get this..... XD) "Well,

us......downstairs....... when you're ready, okay??" Mitch gasps between laughter. Jerome joins in before running back downstairs. "Oh, no you don't!" Mitch says as he bounds down after him. Ummmmmm.....okay, then. If that's how it's going to be for the whole time we're here, things are going to be verrryyyyy interesting. And I'm not sure that's in a good way. Well, might as well get it over with. I drag myself off the bed and turn off the music before heading down. When I reach the  end of the stairs, I'm shocked to see everyone having a tickle fest. All of a sudden, they all stare at me. Oh, no. Don't do this......... No!!!!!!!

"Eeeeeeeee!!!!!" I squeal as I'm covered by people. Oh, it's on! I tackle Preston to the ground and immediately he is unable to fight. By the time I'm done, he'll have nowhere to go. I'm about to 'attack', but am then lifted off the ground. I turn around to see Mitch. Great! I can't even get him from this point. Well, better than nothing to try.

"Aggghhhhh!" Mitch yells. I glance behind to see Jackie jabbing him. Nice.....

"Thanks!" I say between laughs.

"No problem. You looked like you needed help." Jackie smirks, before attacking me. Oh, no, she didn't! Just then, I feel something weird. Like, something on my back. I turn around, but no one's there.

"Ummmmm I'm just going to the bathroom, okay?" I yell over the shouting. What's going on?!?!? When I get to my bedroom, I take my shirt off. As I glance in the mirror, I can tell something's wrong. Just before I faint, I get a glimpse of a pair of wings sticking out of my back.


"Uggghhhhh..... what?" I groan. I look up to see the carpet in my face. Why am I on the floor? Judging by looking out my windows (the shades aren't closed), it seems to be late at night or early in the morning. I try to get up, but then realization hits me as I remember what happened last night. I drop back to the floor and turn around. I flex my muscles in my back. Wait, is that  even a thing? Well, who cares? I stare at my reflection, glimpsing every inch of my wings. They're light blue and very strong. The feathers seem incredibly soft.... wait, don't do it, Dash. You're dreaming! You're just dreaming! I tell myself as I close my eyes and reach back. When I feel something on my wing, I jump before I realize it's just my hand. So, they are real. They even have senses..... okay, that's just weird. By stroking my hand along the feathers, I can see that they are soft and pliable. I can also feel my hand on them, like they also have touch senses. Slowly, I flex and flap my wings once. The feeling is different to me, but then, I've never had wings before. As I flap them more, I can feel all the strength I have. As I flap them faster and faster, I start lifting off the ground, I immediately freeze and flop back down. Well, I'll sure have to get used to these. One thing that comes with this, though, is one things I must learn. And that's how to hide them. I pull on a clean shirt and outfit. Might as well get up now, since the sun is coming appearing. Just when I think I'm about to leave, I look in the mirror. Slowly, carefully, I fold my wings in. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. If only keeping this secret was as easy as that.


Heyyyyyy...... school has started, so I'm afraid I will not be able to update that frequently. Since it is a weekend, I may be able to get one more chapter in before the week starts. Please show some support and slap dat like button! Also, check out my friends, 11pbskids, ilovepens84, and rainbow-_-dash. Not to mention, my radical twin sister, TwilightSparkleMagic! Minecraft Jams makes their own original music, and they are greeeaattttt, so feel free to check that out too. Love ya guys!!! <3


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