Chapter 13

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I grimace and shrink away from Twi as she yells at me. Then she looks behind her to see everyone else. When she sees how surprised they are and how terrified I look, she sighs.

"Look, I'm sorry. But the note you left gave us no context on where you went and why! Mitch came home and looked like he saw a ghost. He and Preston know about your wings!" She says, giving me a look of sadness. That does it.

"I'm sorry!" I yell. "That wasn't my idea! I don't know how long I can live like this!" I cry and slam the door open. Everyone looks at me, but I pay no attention as I turn and run as fast as I can up to my room, sobbing on the way. When I get there, I close the door and lock it. Just the look that Preston gave me makes me cry harder. I didn't want these wings! I never asked for this to happen! Why does everything have to be my fault?!? I keep sobbing, even as I here voices outside of my room. I can see two colors of magic on my doorknob, trying to open it. Luckily, they (Unicity and Twi) aren't that good at magic yet. Seeing as it's useless, my friends give up and go away. I'm left alone, and I cry myself to sleep.


When I wake up, it appears to be sunrise. I know everyone's fast asleep by now, so I think it's safe to go for a night flight, right? Heh heh, 3 rhymes in a row! The thought makes me smile. Before I leave, I get a good look at myself in the mirror. I look terrible! Aghhh great. Taking out my hairbrush, I brush my hair (No, I do not wear makeup. At all). Well, that looks a little better. I climb out my window onto the roof. It seems like minutes ago that I was doing this. It's only been a few hours though. The breeze makes me feel confident, and I walk yo the edge. Jumping off, I flap my wings. I start falling, but catch myself and glide. Woooooo!!! This is great! Circling back to the house, I see a figure on the deck in the backyard. I flap down, and land before I notice that it's Preston. He's sitting in a chair, but I'm guessing that he's asleep. When I look in the direction that his chair is pointing, I realize it's at my room. I guess he was watching my to see if I was alright. Awwwwww what a sweetie. He was a big help last night. After all, he was the one who got me back home, and tried to stick up for me when Twi was being Madame DuBossé. I never even got to say thanks. Since he's asleep, I do something I would never do otherwise.

"Thanks, Puurston," I whisper. Leaning down, I give him a kiss on the cheek. I feel myself blushing, wondering what the heck I just did. (A/N Lindsey appropriate!!! XD) Preston makes a sound and moves. I gasp, and fly away, but not before I glance back to see him watching me. He waves, and I wave back. Well, now that he knows I'm up, I might as well go back. My flying is unstable enough as it is - I'm practically a bird with a broken wing. I should do day flying instead, since it'd be safer. I'd have to watch out for people, but I need all the practice I can get. Oops! I should be paying more attention to where I'm going! I crash into Mitch's window before falling. I flap as fast as I can, hearing both Mitch and Preston yell my name (the window was open) as I struggle to fly. I manage to gain control before I hit the ground. Preston immediately runs over and gives me a hug. Something flashes in Mitch's eyes, but I can't tell what it is before he closes the window and disappears from view. A second later, the door opens. Mitch runs out and now the hug is a group hug. Just then, I remember a bucket of ice water to my right. Heh, I filled this earlier as a surprise for Preston when he woke up. I sneakily rreeaacchhh down, and pull up the bucket. Then, I let go and throw the water over Preston.

"I - I WHAT?!?!?" he yells at me. My friends are now awake and come outside to see the commotion (the guys' rooms are on the other side). When they notice what's going on, they all start laughing. "I'm going to get you for that!" Preston yells and splashes water from a conveniently placed bucket near him. I just laugh and dart up, right before the water could touch me.

"Missed me!" I yell, sticking out my tongue. Mitch laughs and laughs, but Preston keeps trying. It never comes close. Then I hold my hand out so he can see what I'm holding, but not close enough where he could touch me. His expression is priceless when he realizes I'm holding the ring (one of those 'magic' rings you use for tricks) that was in his pocket just seconds ago. I love doing this.

"Give me the ring!" He shouts. Heh heh, nope.

"Now, Preston, you know I love you. But I can't give you the ring until I've properly proposed," I say sweetly, giving him the best flirty grin I've always seen in those romantic movies Unicity loves. Mitch and my friends are now laughing so hard that all of them fall over onto the grass. I join in, and soon I'm also on the grass, next to Preston as he tries to wrestle it from my grasp. I reluctantly let it go, but we're so loud Jerome wakes up. He is rreeaallyyy confused when he sees us all rolling around like lunatics on the lawn. That just makes us laugh harder. Mitch and Preston get up, and give me a wink as they head inside, towing Jerome behind them. The door shuts, and we all look at each other before giggling.

"Nice comeback, Dash," Jackie chuckles. "But where'd you get that face from?" I grin menacingly before replying. Unicity blushes, but joins in with our laughter. Maybe my wings are good for something! I extend them out, and we all have a big group hug, with me, Twi, and Flit using our wings as well. This could possibly be the best day ever, or not. We all sit there grinning at each other before the door opens - and Rob walks out. Flit and I hid our wings in time... but Twi didn't.....


Longer updates!!!! Hahaha right now I'm at my grandma's for a sleepover! Woot woot! Unfortunately, there's no WiFi, so I must wait to publish :P Slap dat like button and show some support! Show some love and check out rainbow-_-dash and TwilightSparkleMagic! See ya later, guys! [I gave Chrissy an early peek 'cause she couldn't wait. AT. ALL!]


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