1 | Another Night

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You shivered as you stared into the grey dusty wall mirror, mounted up against your boring grey walls, matched your soul.

You turned left and flung open your grey wardrobe and scanned the row of clothes.
You grabbed out a small grey crop top, course everything was to be grey.. it wouldn't get as dirty that way.
You also picked out some high waist black jeans and slammed the doors, nothing about waking up in the morning and going to school is positive anymore, Felix was probably going to be off again.
You were seriously worried about him, you hoped he was okay.

You sluggishly walked over to your make up table and put on some concealer and grabbed your choker, braided with small beads.
You had brushed your hair and left it down straight, you couldn't be bothered to look good anymore because Dan would just come up and say to you something like, "Who are you trying to impress?"
Ugh you hated him so much, and his stupid ass friend Phil, but really they were just as bad as each other.

You felt your chapped lips and grunted, everything about you and your life was terrible.
You grabbed your small backpack that held your lesson planner and books, you never did homework, you never had the strength.
Couldn't wait to get another detention today hey?!

You picked up your small phone (obviously old technology cuz 2009)
and slowly walked outside your room, grabbing your MP3 and headphones from the bookshelf and plugging them in.

You didn't say goodbye to anyone, your brother didn't give a fuck and your parents were always at work or just sleeping.
You didn't grab anything to eat, everyone called you fat anyway.

You were out the door in no time, you walked slowly in the wet rainy streets of London.
The streetlights turned off as the day properly dawned, girls in their happy groups walking along.


As your favourite song ended you heard a call behind you so you paused the tune and quickly stuffed your MP3 in your bag and turned around.

It was Dan, you just huffed and turned around and kept on walking, knowing what was coming.

You heard footsteps running up behind you, then a hand grab you by the shoulder.
"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you around to face him.

You rolled your eyes and stared up at him with a dull expression.
"Why do you think." You sighed pushing his hand off and carrying on walking.

He hurried up beside you, "Why are you always so down?" He groaned.

"Dan.. I don't know what you're trying to get out, you just make fun of me, and then you're like, 'ohh what's wrongg?' Just leave me." You snapped, speeding up your pace.

"Jesus, I'm just trying to help you, you don't have to be such a grumpy bitch about it!" He growled, turning away from you.

"Jerk.." You mumbled under your breath.

You felt yourself get shoved against the barb wire fencing, you look up and see it was Dan again.
"What did you fucking call me?" He raised his fist threateningly.

"A jerk." You shrugged, "I don't care anymore Dan, kill me; I'd probably be happier anyways."

He smirked, and then punched your cheek.
You felt hotness erupt on your left cheek, you flinched slightly but didn't give a good reaction.

"Fucking slut." He snorted, stomping off.

"Thanks." You mumbled, he looked back and smiled oddly, not in away you recognised.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now