30| Sequel {2}

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| Slightly shorter chapter, but this isn't the end yet so have fun! |

Your POV

You and Tyler helped Felix to his living room and sat down, Tyler actually acting serious sat the suitcases down as You comforted Felix, wrapping your arm around his torso, as you sat on the comfy sofa, it felt weird and awkward, but you have been friends for life basically, so it should be fine.

"It was going to have to happen someday." You sighed, as Felix rested his head against your shoulder.

"You guys want anything?" Tyler asked quietly, as this was pretty hard for Felix.

"No thanks Tyler, don't feel like you have to do stuff. Thanks for the company on the plane." You smiled and he smiled back.

"Alright, thanks (Y/N)." He nodded heading over to the opposite sofa.

You looked back down at Felix who's head was on your shoulder.

You were silent for a few minutes, just in a trance while Tyler browsed his phone.

"Do you want to watch some TV or something?" You finally asked, breaking the deafening silence. He nodded and sat up, enabling you to reach for the remote.

You did so and got up Netflix, you turned to Felix.

"Pick anything." Felix smiled weakly, you wished you could just clap and he would be happy, it was heartbreaking to see him like this again.

You put on (Fav Netflix Show) and got some snacks to cheer everyone up.

In about 30 minutes Felix was laughing again, but he did keep stopping every few minutes and going into trances with an expression full of pain.

Tyler got up and went to the loo.

You looked over to Felix who seemed to be quite close to you, he seemed to be staring at your lips, glancing up into your eyes every few seconds, this seemed weird.

Suddenly it happened, his lips collided into yours, he kissed passionately, you kissed back.

He released after not long and sighed like he was an idiot, you just were shocked but.. strangely happy.
You were frozen.

"I'm sorry.. I just.. Uhm-" He stuttered getting nervous.

"Don't worry about it.. your emotions are messed up, just know that I'm always here for you." You smiled with a reassuring nod.

"Thanks (Y/N).. I just don't know what's happening, I'm distraught about Marzia and also have feelings for other people.. aka y-you.." Felix sighed fiddling with his ripped black jeans, looking down avoiding eye contact.

"It's alright, I always think to myself we kind of have a connection with each other.. it just hasn't shown up properly until now.." You sighed with a smile, come to think of it.

You liked your best friend, and just kissed your best friend, who literally had broken up with his girlfriend two days ago.

"I agree." He smiled, you blushed lightly.

"Are you over Dan and Phil?" Felix asked suddenly, his voice seeming to be stern but get more shaky.

"I've never liked Dan. And yes, I think I'm over Phil. If I'm not, I have bigger feelings for you than him." You confessed, looking down at your thighs.

"I don't really want to seem like I'm desperate (Y/N).. but I honestly love you so so much.. since 2009." Felix chuckled nervously, suddenly grabbing your hand and holding it tightly.

Felix was right, he had stuck with me from before 2009, right through 2009 and afterwards.
He had never hurt me in the slightest way!
What the fuck was I thinking by dating Phil? One of the boys who made my life hell.

At least it was over.

"I would be dead without you Felix, I love you so much." You smiled, looking up into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I would be dead too (Y/N)." He smiled, before giving you a quick peck on the lips.

"I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to date Phil, I generally did like him but he made my life, didn't stick with me, as neither did Dan.
But you did and I'm so glad that I stuck with you as well (Nickname for Felix), remember that name?" You chuckled.

He nodded, "(Your childhood nickname)."

You blushed and gazed into each others eyes as Tyler came out of the bathroom, he looked puzzled yet alarmed.

"Four hours ago I swear Felix was just crying and now you are gazing into each others eyes like lovers, am I missing out on something here?" Tyler asked running over to see what you and Felix were doing.

"I don't know.. I guess we were missing out all along.." You sighed and looked at Felix who nodded with a smile.

Happiness.. at last.


lol I would if it was Dan or Phil rip.

Okie have fun frens, next chapter out soon.
Posted at midnight, what I do for you guys ;)

Thanks for all the great comments, a lot of them make me laugh, especially the fact that people were earlier commenting that their ovaries were exploding when you kissed Phil.

That's for like 3.7k reads, ily guys and thanks for all the support!


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