32| Sequel {4}

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Dan's POV

I scrolled through twitter, spotting a tweet from (Y/N), wow I hadn't thought about her in ages, it was a good feeling as I was no longer in love or 'obsessed.'

I was much happier with Phil.
I read her tweet, it's with a picture.

It was a beautiful picture of her obviously doing a tumblr themed photo, I still found her beautiful that's because she is, she was my first love.

I wouldn't self harm for her anymore, Phil was all I cared about now.

The caption of the photo read,

'Posting a recent video soon about my life now, and it's good news!
I'm moving back to England permanently, it will all be explained in the video.
Reminder that I will be attending all VidCon's this year, I can't wait to meet you guys!
It's only three more months!'

I will watch that later.
I felt kind of weird, at least she's happy?

I shut my laptop and got up and decided to go and spend some time with Phil.
He was in the living room with his laptop and those adorable glasses he owns, I love them even though he hates them.

I plopped on the sofa next to him, he looked over and smiled.
"Hey bear." He chuckled cutely, I instantly blushed.
"Stop being so cute." I complained, admiring his wholesome expression.
"Why don't you stop blushing?" Phil asked tapping the end of my nose, which made me blush even more.
He closed the lid of his laptop and put it to the side and turned to face me, cross legged on the sofa.

"Are we going to tell the Internet?" I asked curiously, thinking about our relationship, how everyone would react to 'Phan' being real.

"Nahh, leave it for VidCon, it'll be fun seeing all the mugshots of us holding hands." Phil giggled, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah let's do that lion, anyway.. want to do anything together?" I asked with a pleading expression.

"Course, like what-" I cut Phil off mid-sentence by tackling to the sofa, and smothering his neck with kisses.

"So this is the route we're taking." Phil snickered, trying to hold back his excitement.

What would I do without this boy?

A/N: Update on Phan, next chapter will be VidCon.

Getting some real Dan and Phil action now.
Next chapter will be up soon ;)

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now