15 | Moving In

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A quick thank you for 100 reads, I know it's not considered a lot but at least this book will get more notified, thanks for reading <3

|•July 2013•|

It had been a couple of weeks since Phil had kissed you and things had gotten a little awkward, you started hanging with him and Dan more and you became quite good friends.
But Dan acted different around you than everyone else, Phil said it was because he liked you which was probably the case as he had gotten very embarrassed when Phil talked about things he didn't like.

Dan and Phil were going back to London tomorrow, which is where you were thinking of moving and now you are even more keen on the idea as you are in love with Phil and relatively good friends with Dan, but you still felt bad that you were ignoring Dan, and just thinking about yourself.

It was 9am, so it was quite early and you sat in your room with your laptop and in your pyjamas.
It was really hot in Brighton today, and you were staying inside, doing nothing.

You decided to look for an apartment in London, as it would be fun to live there, as you wouldn't be totally alone.

A knock came on my door not long after you decided to look at apartments.

"Hello?" You asked, directing my bored gaze at the white door.
It opened slowly to reveal Phil, looking disappointed.
"You alright?" You asked, as he came in, shutting the door behind him.
He sat next to you on your bed and sighed.
"I just don't want to go back to London tomorrow, because I know I won't see you for a while." He frowned biting his lip as he turned to face you.
"Well actually, before I met.. well, before I bumped into you and Dan I was already thinking of moving to London and get a job, start a proper life.. as I'm a stable person now." You said, brightening his mood.

"You could move in with me and Dan, I'm sure he would have no problem with it." Phil suggested eagerly, obviously wanting to spend a lot of time with you, how sweet.
"Phil I thought your flat only had two bedrooms." You chuckled, making him realise.
"Oh yeah.. well you could stay temporarily.." Phil suggested, acting like he was just offering a favour, but he really did look like he wanted to he with you.

"That would be nice, but if Dan doesn't consent I'll just stay here for now." You smiled, looking into Phil's excited blue eyes.
"He'll be fine with it, ooh! And I think there's an for sale apartment opposite us, you could move into that one." Phil chirped, stealing your laptop and typing in his apartment block.

"Is it expensive?" You asked curiously, watching the screen as Phil quickly typed something in.
"It shouldn't be.." Phil mumbled, concentrated.
"But it will be like a two bedroom and I only need a one bedroom as I don't have anybody to move in with.." You shrugged.
"We could all get a three bedroom apartment." Phil suggested, desperately trying to find the perfect place.
"We need to ask Dan if he even wants to live with me Phil, or if he wants to move.. what the fuck will your fans think if I moved in with you?" You sighed, leaning back onto one of your soft pillows.
"Don't think of yourself like that!" He said in annoyance, playfully slapping your wrist.
You grabbed it back, in an afraid fashion.
Phil playfully hitting you or anything just reminded you of your past with him.
You tried to ignore the thought.
"They'll love you!" He exclaimed, noticing your weird retaliation.

"Sure they will." You sighed, rolling your eyes.

Phil narrowed his eyes seeing you were acting oddly, he seemed to ignore this.

"Shut up, they will. I don't care what they think."

(My names Blurryface and I care what you think, sorry I had too.)

"Y'know Phil, if Dan really does like me, because of that video he uploaded back a while ago, they will probably see that he does, I know your fans are especially observant." You sigh, then to be embraced into a hug by Phil.

"Well, oh well.. we'll have to tell him someday.." He sighed sadly, it would break everyone's friendship so much.

"It will ruin everything though, it will ruin us.. as we will feel guilty, and it will break Dan to be making you feel terrible.. and it's just.. pressure." You sighed, Phil put his arm around you.

"He'll get over you.. eventually.." Phil smiled reassuringly.

"I'll go and ask him, you want to do anything today?" He sighed standing up.

"Video games?" You asked with a smirk. Phil chuckled.

"Sounds good.. I'll see you downstairs then." Phil smiled walking out making you giggle slightly.

You let out a sigh as the door closed and looked around the room.

You decided to get fully ready and go downstairs where Dan was sitting with his laptop.
He looked fairly happy.

"Hey Dan!" You exclaimed happily as you went to join him on the sofa.
"Hey (Y/N), Phil asked me about you staying at our place and it's fine with me, but do you really want to be staying with us?" Dan smirked, looking at you with one eye.
"Why do you have a weird guilty pleasure?" You asked giving him an wink.
"Mine is tumblr and Phil's is stealing my cereal. What I meant is that there is continuous drilling, nothing else." Dan chuckled.
"It's fine, I honestly think staying with you and Phil would be fun, you guys are really nice after all, well you are now anyway." You said looking away awkwardly.
"Well thanks (Y/N), but please try and not think of us in that way anymore, we care now.. a lot." Dan smiled so you returned the favour of smiling back.

"I know, thank you." You smiled and turned to the television.
"Dibs Netflix."

"Ugh fine." Dan sighed in defeat.


- A month later -

You had finally managed to move into your own apartment opposite them, it was very awkward temporarily living in their apartment as you and Phil couldn't flirt like you always used to as Dan was in the room most of the time.

Dan was amazing, incredibly funny and relatable and just an amazing best friend, you wouldn't consider him as anything more.
He just was showing the symptoms of liking you and you weren't comfortable with it.

You and Phil had just talked about telling him and you think you were ready, fingers crossed this doesn't break them.

Fingers crossed this doesn't break Dan and Phil.

(I checked through this chapter so I'm sorry if there's any messed up grammar!

Give me ideas for the future as I am running out,  please help or else I may need to stop the story.)

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now