26| The Video

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Your POV

You set your tripod up and turned in on, sat on your bed and exhaled.
This was it, this was when you were going have to say those words.
'Im breaking up with you.'

It hurt, as you still loved Phil.
But it hurt you and him too much, plus Dan being involved so much.

"Hey guys, so you can tell from the title and my mood life isn't going great.
I know everyone's panicking because I haven't been active, I'm sorry for that.
It was stupid of me, but I hope you guys understand that I don't have it easy, and of course it isn't just me."

You inhaled again, ready for another big explanation.

"So I haven't told you my entire past story but I like to be real with you, so I want to tell you.
This is hard to tell you so I'm sorry about my awful mood."

"My life started getting complicated in 2008.
So, I was happy back in early 2008, until I became friends with a boy called Daniel.
We were really good friends until his friend called Phillip moved to the same school, and then Daniel thought it would be cool to act tough so he did, and Phillip tagged along.
From that day on my life was terrible, I was bullied by Daniel and Phillip every day and it was a nightmare.
2009, was even worse. The worst year of my life, I still get nightmares about it from time to time.
I attempted suicide that year.."

You rested your fist on your forehead and sniffed and then looked back up at the camera with teary eyes.

"I was saved, by a boy who I barely knew called Toby, we're best friends now.
I then moved to Sweden with Felix.. Felix as in Pewdiepie, we've been friends for about 22 years, so yeah.. life friends.
Felix was originally moving to Sweden without me, it's just when he heard about what I had done he wanted me to come with him, so I did! Anything to get out of that mess, and I never saw Daniel or Phillip for about seven years.

Until this year, my life has turned upside down again.
It's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still hard to cope.
Earlier this year I went to visit Zoey, as in Zoella with Felix and Marzia, and it was a great time! For the first day and a half anyways.
Later on the second day I arrived back from the shop and Felix told me not to go upstairs so I didn't.
I just heard screams from two men and Zoey for about an hour straight, it wasn't pain inflicted, it was from a video game.
You've probably guessed who these men are, as one of them mentioned their side of the story in one of their video.
These men are Dan and Phil, yep the Daniel and Phillip I knew.
And yes guys, they have definitely changed! They're great people and I don't want you to see them in a disgusting way.
I don't want any hate to go to them.

The reason my life has been turned upside down once again is because of love, heartbreak, jealousy and guilt- a terrible mix of feelings.

One thing I have been hiding from the internet is my relationship, for a couple of months now Phil and I have been in a relationship.
B-But it's not working out the way I would've wanted it, and I'm sorry to have to do it this way Phil, if you're watching this.
I have to break up with you, you aren't dumped. Just.. leaving it here.
I'm not saying I don't love you, I really really do..
It's just hurt me, you and Dan."
You cried for about a minute straight before looking up to continue.

"I've attempted suicide for the second time recently, Dan's been doing stupid shit.

So please, stay alive and keep on going.
I know everyone doesn't know where I am, because I moved to America so I could just take a break.
I-I will be back now, but please don't worry about me now, I'm stable and clean.

Dan.. please don't let Phil do.. you know what.
I love you guys, and I forgive you, Dan and Phil, for everything. G'bye everyone."
You nodded and shut the camera off, then transferred the file to your editing software.

You edited the video and called it, 'My Story- I'm sorry (My breakup).' And waited for it to uploaded, mean whilst you joined Daniel, Joey and Tyler downstairs.

"Hey (Y/N), did you do it?" Joey asked excitedly, face full of hope.
You still were sniffing and gave a small nod and smile, you were pulled into a comforting hug.
It wasn't as comforting as Felix's, Jesus you hadn't seen him in so long.

"I-It's just uploading." You sighed with a smile.
"Good good, come and join us for now. And Tyler's coming around later, we're going to have some pizza!" Joey exclaimed, taking you by your wrist lightly and pats a seat next to him.

You happily sat down and sighed, "I feel like I've got a lot off my chest."

But you just broke up with Phil over a YouTube video.
You asshole.

"You should do, you made a good decision." Joey smiled back, making you chill slightly more.

Not for Dan and Phil, you basically just exposed them.

(Shit I just fell asleep writing this and now my tongues bleeding and it hurt help and OH GOD MARK AND JARK ARE LIVE AT THE SAME TIME CRYING)

As soon as Tyler arrived you were attacked with hugs as he had seen the video by the time he had arrived, the evening was basically just everyone feeling sorry for you.

You just had Phil's sad face stuck in your head all night, you felt so guilty.

A/N: The next chapter is going to be so damn emotional so prepare yourself.
It says on my library that I have 1.32k reads but it only shows 1k on my profile so idk what's up with that but thank you anyways!

And last night I uploaded a short story fanfic thing, it's out now!

It's called, Childhood | Dan Howell x Reader

It was just a day dream.. and I have another day dream coming soon (pre writing it first so soon is like a month)

Childhood is definitely not the best book I've written.

Fun fact, this storyline was originated from a daydream so yay :D

Anyway have a good day and byee!

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now