3| Unexpected

850 25 12

|•2009 April•|

It sounded like a hospital.
Heart rate monitors constantly beeping.

Your eyes fluttered open to be greeted by the blinding electrical lights from above.
You guessed you were in a hospital from your surroundings, disgusting green curtains, uncomfortable bed sheets and the amount of noise.

You noticed there was a boy sitting at the edge of your bed, he had a dark brown fringe similar to Dan's and some deep grey eyes.

Then you realised, it was Toby.

He looked up to see you staring at him, "Uhm.. hi (Y/N).. how are you feeling?" He asked nervously, fiddling with his fingertips.
"I-I don't know." You stuttered looking at him with a shook expression.
"Who.. Uhm saved me?" You added, wanting to know as it felt like a blur.
"Me." He stated firmly.

You froze, speechless.
Toby had prevented you from killing yourself.
The curtain opened up to reveal a petite woman, "Hello, (Y/N) do you know Felix Kjellberg?"

"Yes, very close." You squeaked quietly, resulting in her walking off with no reply. You shrugged and turned back to Toby still shook.

"Well thanks Toby.. Dan just took the last straw in that lesson.."You sighed, "Really.. do you want to be my friend?"

"Yes (Y/N), you've always seemed really nice but I've always been too shy to talk to you and I feel dumb for doing that.. and I want you to know I will get back Daniel How-"

"Can we not talk about him, he just ruins my mood."
"I can see why, that douchebag."
"Such a little cunt."
"Motherfucker." He laughed in agreement.

A worried face peered into the curtain, you and Toby turned your head to face him, it was Felix.
"Hi (Y/N)." He said quietly, realising that you hadn't listened to him when he had said, 'Stay strong for me (Y/N)'.

"Look Felix.. I'm really Uhm sorry for just excluding you out-"

"Shut up, I'm the dumb one here.
I would invite you with me but you seem like you have made a new friend." He smiled warmly.

"Is that insulting?" You asked just to double check, he shook his head and you nodded.

"This is Toby, he saved me." You added, his eyes widened in shock.

"Thank you Toby, I'm really glad that you had made that decision, thanks for being a good friend to (Y/N) when she needs it the most." Felix rambled, eyes tearing up as well as Felix.

"Honestly, I didn't realise she was in such a state until yesterday.. I'm really glad you're okay." Toby said sadly to Felix, then turning to me.

"It's alright.. but I think I'm going to move with Felix Toby, but honestly thank you so much! You have been great to me, thanks for caring." You smiled, sitting up and giving him a hug.

"Will your parents allow you though?" Felix asked excitedly.
"I don't care I'm going, there's nothing here for me." You sighed, "Well except for a new friend."

You all went silent then started laughing quietly, "shit that was cheesy." You added, Toby and Felix nodded in agreement.

"Do you have a Skype?" Toby asked, obviously wanting to keep in touch.
"Yeah, its (Skype name)."

"Alright, I'll add you. Have a nice time in your new life I guess." He chuckled, witting your name down into his phone.

"Thanks, please don't make the same mistake as me.." You nodded, smiling at Toby. He was so nice.

"Can you not kill Dan and Phil or anything, just tell him that I've gone for good.. and that he will never see me again." You added, making sure Dan and Phil got the message.

"Yeah don't worry, I'm not that violent person." Toby chuckled nodding.

"Good." You replied.

"I'm going to get going as I am skiving school to check if you're okay." He laughed, "I'll see you online I guess."

"Yeah, thanks again Toby.. bye." You replied, sharing one last hug.

"Bye." He waved walking out of the room.

You turned to Felix and smiled, "Am I allowed to leave?"

He nodded, smiling happily.

"Lets go then, I'm going to go and change." You smiled, standing up and grabbing your folded clothes at the end of the bed.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now