16 | He knows

382 10 14

Your POV

You peered around the corner of the door frame to see Dan in his browsing position on the sofa, you exhaled quietly and walked in nervously, fiddling with your sleeves.

He quickly noticed you and our eyes met, his eyes were beautiful. But no butterflies.

"Hey (Y/N)." He smiled, moving his laptop out the way as he turned to face me, you sat down beside him not too close.

"Uhh.. hi Dan, I really need to get something off my chest.." You say shyly, avoiding eye contact.

"Feel free, I'll be here for you." Dan smiled, you glanced up at him and back down.

"Uhm.. t-thanks." You smiled feeling guilty and looked down, picking at your black jeans.

"For a couple of months now.. I've been hiding something big from you, and I know I might ruin your life by doing this." You sighed, "I l-love Phil."

You covered your face with your hands instantly after saying that as you knew you could've just broken him, you could have ruined Dan and Phil, Phan or if it's true that he likes you.

Suddenly you felt a cold hand lift up your chin, you took your hands away to be looking up into Dan's hazelnut eyes, they looked hurt and full of disappointment.

"Whatever makes you happy is fine with me, I-I know you know that I like you, but I don't deserve you. Phil is a great man, you've made a good decision." Dan said weakly, he tried to cover up his emotions but it didn't work.

"I-I know I've hurt you Dan, and I've been so afraid of breaking you.. I'm s-sorry.. I really still want to be friends.." You sobbed quietly, you were pulled into an awkward comforting embrace by Dan.

"D-Don't worry.. I don't mind, I'll get over you." He said calmly, lying obviously. Phil said that Dan had a crush on you for about seven years, how was that going to be easy?

"Thankyou Dan, you're more like a brother." You smiled as we pulled away, Phil happened to walk in at that moment, he looked confused.

"Have I missed an emotional break down or something?" He asked looking at Dan and you with tears stained on our cheeks.

"Uh no, I've finally told Dan." You sighed quietly looking at Dan who nodded slowly, you could tell he wasn't alright.

You looked over at Phil who looked guilty as well but he just stood there and said, "I'm sorry." looking at Dan who sat there and covered up his sadness.

An awkward silence filled up the room, an awkward tension. It wasn't comforting, you would hate to be in Dan's position especially.

"Uhm.. so? Who wants to watch a movie or something?" You exclaimed jumping up excitedly, to break the awkward feelings whizzing around the room.

"Yeah, BUFFY?" Phil exclaimed with a smile, like a small six year old, he was so cute.

"Phil, give buffy a rest.." Dan sighed with a small chuckle, he didn't seem normal. Of course you wrecked his mood.

"Oh fine." Phil sighed in defeat, then returning to his happy mood.

"How about we just scroll through Netflix?" You suggested, "And eat like the unhealthy beings we are?"

Phil skipped over next to Dan and sat down next to him as Dan stared at the opposite wall with a fake happy expression, he looked sad.

Fuck, Phil was right.

Getting out of the awkwardness you walked out into the kitchen biting my lip and looking down, feeling myself about to cry again, why had you done this?
You got two packets of popcorn kernels and put one in the microwave, beeping the right digits into the dial.

You scouted around in the cupboards and found a few other snacks and prepared the rest, it was like a real movie night.

You couldn't stop thinking about what you had done, you felt horrible.
Just with the uncomfortable sick feeling of Dan hating himself, or Phil for loving you..
You felt guilty, even though you knew he used to bully you, and other people who say he probably deserved it.

But you think he doesn't, it was a mistake.

You walked back into the lounge with refreshments and you saw Dan and Phil awkwardly sitting there next to eachother, Phil looked hurt whilst Dan just stared at the same wall as before, just his expression now looked sad.

Phil's POV

I felt so bad, I looked over to Dan as (Y/N) skipped out of the room.

"Dan.. I'm so sorry! I know you have feelings for her but I couldn't help myse-"

"Phil shut up, you deserve her, you beat me to it, she loves you. I don't deserve her, you win." Dan said coldly staring at the blank wall.

"N-No! Back in school I did exactly the same thing!" I complained back, I was just as bad as him.

"No Phil, I forced you to do the same thing. I-It's all my fault, I deserve to suffer." He sighed, cupping his face in his big hands.

He was right though, he did get me to be like him and it was a big part of my life. If that didn't happen who knows who we would be or what we would be doing?

I looked down quietly, "I just don't want this to change anything between us." I mumbled.

"I-It won't Phil.." Dan said unsurely, it was going to change a lot and it was all my fault for liking (Y/N).

(Y/N) happened to skip back in at that time, which cheered up my mood slightly.
She was carrying popcorn and other refreshments, the smell soon reached my nostrils.

"Mmmm." I mumbled, making her smile slightly.

(Y/N) seemed to be looking at Dan a lot in a concerned way.


We chilled for the rest of the night, (Y/N) and I didn't flirt so we wouldn't put Dan in an awkward position but we did exchange small glances.

I really hope Dan's alright.

A/N: Hey guys, I know it wasn't much but I managed to post.

I kind of know what I'm doing but It would still really help if I could have ideas to make it more interesting.

Thanks for reading, thanks for like 400 reads now, this is crazy. Yesterday I checked we had like a hundred less!

It really means a lot so thankyou!


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