8| Hello Internet

698 20 13

|•June 2013•|

Your POV

You walked upstairs slowly, "Try to keep calm then." Felix added, accepting your decision.

You walked into the guest room which was yours and placed the magazine down and walked back out into the hall.
Screaming occurred from Zoey's room, not like painful screaming.
Zoey was playing video games with two people, unusual.

You guessed they were playing a video so you just went downstairs with Marzia and Felix, Alfie had joined them as well.

"Did you go in?" Felix raised an eyebrow.
"What's so bad about Zoey playing video games for once with people?" You asked confused.
"Let's talk about it later." Felix nodded, patting a seat next to him, Marzia and Alfie.


You looked over to see Zoey come down the stairs.
"Can me, Dan and Phil join you guys?" She asked pleadingly, you shuddered at those names.
They wouldn't be the same people, it's fine.
Felix looked at you awkwardly, why would he be acting so weird if that wasn't them.

"Sure." Felix smiled, then reversed to his awkward nervous expression.

You got your fringe to cover your face as you were nervous, and extremely insecure in front of Dan and Phil.

You sat on the sofa with your legs crossed, holding your knee.

"Okay thanks." Zoey replied, gesturing to two people half way up the stairs.

Zoey made it down, followed by two tall familiar men.
You stared at them, full of hatred.
Why would Zoey be hanging around with such horrible people.

"Uhm hi." The black one waved awkwardly.
You knew who that was.
It was Phillip Michael Lester.
And Daniel fucking James Howell.

You turned away ignoring them.

"Hi Dan, Phil!" Alfie waved, as so did Marzia.

Felix and you just sat there awkwardly.

After they got down standing there you stood up.

You made eye contact with Dan accidentally, his face suddenly turned into shock.
You had it - "Zoey, we need to talk."

You grabbed her wrist, rapidly pulling her into the sunny garden.

"Why are you and Felix being so rude?" She asked confused.
"Dan and Phil, do you have any fucking idea who you are hanging out with?!" I exclaimed angrily.
"Woah, seriously are you alright?"

"They were a massive part of 2009, remember the story I told you.
Howell and Lester." You said, tears gathering in your eyes.

"Oh.. you must be mistaken! They are some of the nicest guys ever!" Zoey said trying to make it better.

You shook your head, "They think I'm fucking dead, they made me attempt suicide and I was saved by a boy called Toby, a close friend now a days."


"Really Zoey, they made my life hell.." You nodded again.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, quickly looked up something and gave me her phone.

"Phil Lester and Dan Howell, internet stars and radio one CoHosts, also youtubers as so are you.
Phil is the cutest boy you will ever meet, he's so innocent and funny. Dan's just funny and relatable, jokes about how all he does is procrastinate and have existential crisis.
If it is the same people, they've changed! You've got to believe me!" She explained desperately, you stared down at the YouTube channel, names 'AmazingPhil.'
The boy had a long black fringe, he looked quite tall in person.
You clicked on a random video, named 'Phil is not on fire 3.'
There was Dan and Phil.

You looked up at Zoe, "Prove it to me more."

She stood there in thought for a minute, "Ooh!" She chirped, snatching her phone back.

You watched her as she typed in the search bar of YouTube 'Danisnotonfire'
Dan has a YouTube channel?!

How come you hadn't found these, they had a million each!

"Here!" Zoey exclaimed, handing you her phone and you watched the five minute video in full screen.

"So you guys wanted me to share the most depressing time of my life," the man breathed heavily, "I'm such a dickhead and an asshole!" He cried quietly.

"Sorry, right - onto the story." He breathed.
"So back in 2008 I used to be good friends with this girl called (Y/N) in high/secondary school, we were good for about a week.

And then my best friend Phil moved to the same school, I wanted to act tough so I did the stupidest thing ever.
I started to make fun of (Y/N), make jokes involving (Y/N), insult her and I became a completely different person, Phil was shocked at first, but he soon transformed as so did I..
It was the worst time of my life.

In 2009 we drove her crazy,
W-We drove her to suicide..
I deserve to die, a harsh painful death.
I hate myself for it.. so does Phil, truly it's all my fault, I moved to start a new life with Phil, but I have never forgotten the horror of what I have committed.
You have the right to hate me, I hate myself too.
The thing is... oh god this is so fucked up..
I loved her, you know, I played hard to get..
I'm such a fucking asshole, right goodbye!" He cried turning off the camera and the video instantly ending.

"He hates himself.. so does Phil, they have completely changed.
Please give them a chance." Zoey pleaded.

You looked at her like she was insane, "This is crazy Zoey!" You added in an annoyed manor.
"I know, I know.. please just give them one last chance."
You exhaled, "Fine then."

Zoe slowly walked in with you, you kept your cool, even though literally all of your muscles were tense.

Dan and Phil were looking at some movies so you took your seat next to Felix.
"Do they know who you are yet?" You whispered to Felix.
"I don't think Phil does, but Dan does."
"Ahh shit," you muttered, "Just act cool, like strangers.. start again."
"Why, are you cra-"
"Please, just do it." You asked again, Felix slowly nodded.
"Thanks." You whispered.

"We're watching a movie." Alfie chuckled.
Shit, you had a spare seat next to you, and guess who was going to sit there.

"Anything other than lion king Phil." Dan said, walking over to the sofa, taking one of the two available seats, which happened to be both next to you.

You turned away to look at the TV.

Phil started smirking as he picked up the tv remote and flicked up YouTube.
He typed in the search bar, 'Hello Internet'

"Phil you motherrr.. fuuu..fluffer.." He said annoyed, avoiding swearing.

Phil chuckled excitedly, selecting a video of a foetus like Dan.

Dan stumbled up and chased Phil around as a nervous teenager leaned into the camera.

That was the Daniel you knew.
"Hi. My name is [Dan]." The boy said on the television, definitely Dan.

Dan had managed to pause the video and drag Phil outside, Jesus he hadn't changed that much.
He still chased people around angrily, grumpy and probably a bully.
Does that mean Zoey was a bully? No! Never!
They must've changed somehow to be friends with Zoey and Alfie.

You sat there confused.
What is happening.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now