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-6 months later-

Dan's POV

It was another day where (Y/N) and Phil were out having fun, leaving me to weep in sadness.
No, I still hadn't gotten over (Y/N).
I can't get over her when that quickly when I've had a crush on her for seven years.

I lay my head back against the hard wall in the bathroom, I sat on the toilet seat once again with blood dripping from my arms.
It was relief, it stopped me from driving myself crazy and murdering someone or screaming the house down or something.

I am still balling my eyes out, I am so pathetic, worthless and stupid.

Suddenly I heard a door slam and I jumped knowing people were home.

I jumped up alarmed and looked at my arms, the blood stains on my jeans and the razor.

"Hey Dan!" A happy voice of (Y/N)'s called out.
"I know what he's doing!" Phil yelled worriedly, before I knew if they were outside the bathroom.

"Dan.. please open up.. I know we've hurt you and made your life hell but you didn't have to revert to this!" I sighed hearing Phil cry out those words again, begging me to stop cutting.

"W-What is he doing?" (Y/N) asked quietly, sounding like she was on the verge of crying.

Phil didn't reply, I just heard a big devastated sigh.

"I'm n-not doing anything Phil why are you s-so worried?" I tried to ask normally, accidentally stuttering on a few words.

"P-Please Dan! I love you so much, you're the bestest friend and I don't want you to start cutting again because of me!" Phil cried, I felt even worse now.
I heard (Y/N) gasp in disbelieve and then a small cry.

What have I done to them and myself?

"Leave me alone!" I said coldly, years still hitting my skin and making it sting.

"Dan you're years clean! Why are you doing this again?" Phil whined.

"You fucking know why Phil! Because I hate myself and it seems that I always fuck up at some point!" I snapped, making stern silence after my sentence.

"Dan.. please don't continue.." I heard (Y/N) cry.

I just sank to the floor and started crying into my jeans and shirt, I soon noticed they were lock picking the door lock.

Soon enough they burst in and desperate hugs were flung at me.

"I-I should leave." (Y/N) suddenly said noticing the state of me, what I had done to myself.

"Wait (Y/N), why?" Phil asked astonished.

"I'm making Dan hurt himself and that's not okay." She said sadly backing away.

"And  if you leave you'll make Phil hurt himself." I quietly mumbled, making Phil give me a shocked stare.

"Y-You wouldn't Phil.." she said in shock.

"I-I guess Dan's right.." Phil shrugged, finally admitting something I would be too scared to do.

"Okay then, I'll take some time away so you guys can help each other, I'll be with my mum down the other side of town." (Y/N) suggested quietly.

"O-Okay." Phil nodded sadly, bottling up his mixed emotions, I just sat there staring with tears in my eyes.
Now I made (Y/N) leave Phil.

"Bye, love you both. Stay Alive |-/." She smiled nodding her head encouragingly and then closed the door.

And with that the door was closed once again, leaving me and Phil.

I looked away from his glare.

"Let's get you cleaned up.." He said offering his hand out to help me get up which I took and then said, "Thanks Phil."
"I would rather have you alive and never see (Y/N) again rather than the other way round Dan. You're the person who's hand the biggest impact on my life and most of the time it's been a good thing." Phil rambled on emotionally, and what he said was true except from the fact I made his life hell.

"T-Thanks Phil.. but I didn't impact your life in a good way." I stuttered turning the tap on to unleashing flows of water onto my blood stained skin.

"Well weather that's true or not I want you in my life." He said giving me a smile to cheered me up, I cracked a small smile.

"Thanks Phil." I then said again, reaching for the razor.

"Let me clean up." Phil said.

"But it's my mess." I said, I wanted to know where my razors were.

"I insist." Phil sniffed, holding my hand which I held the sharp razor in.

"Okay.. thanks again lion." I sighed giving up handing him the blade, I should just stop trying.

I walked with toilet paper wrapped around my arms into my bedroom and sat in front of my laptop still weeping.

I hope Phil doesn't fall into any trap of depression that I have.

A/N: Yay! Another chapter, quite deep so I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
A chapter in Dan's point of view!

Remember I'm still taking in ideas and suggestions!

Thanks for reading, byee! X

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