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*5 years later*
(I instantly am working out Phil's age now which is.. holy shit like 44-45, that means you are 38-39)

Your POV

You sigh and go to find Joey Graceffa as you haven't seen him in a while, you're at a birthday party, well Phil's birthday party.

Of course he's here, with Tyler and Daniel.
"Hey guys!" You exclaim with your same beaming smile.

"Omg (Y/N), I was wondering where you were!" Joey said excitedly hugging you before quickly pulling away.

"It's so nice to see you guys!" You exclaimed hugging Tyler and Daniel.

"How olds lil' Jasper?" Tyler squealed, looking beside him to see Jasper run over to Joe, he was so mischievous, just like Felix.

"He's 5 in a month." You smirked cheekily, looking at the small boy laughing uncontrollably at Joe's weird but unique expressions.

"Awe, he's so cute!" Tyler awed, "Does he bite?"

"You're joking?" You chuckled, Tyler laughed and nodded.

Suddenly you felt a vibration in your pocket, "Oh excuse me for a second." You mumbled and headed into a quiet room of the house, the cupboard in the stairs.

"Hello?" You answered, putting your ear by the phone speaker.

"H-Hi, is this (Y/N)?" A shy voice asked from the other line, it sounded kind of familiar.
"Yes, is this.." you mumbled trying to think of the name.

"Pj, yeah.. we haven't really spoke much.." He sighed sadly.

"Ha.. yeah.. are you alright Pj, you really don't sound well..?" You asked wondering why out of all people he's calling you.

"The reason I called you.. is because.." He stuttered followed by a small cry.

You bit your lip, why is he crying?
Does he have feelings for you? Is he depressed? Is there something up with Felix?

"Because Toby killed himself." He blurted out suddenly,

You stood their confused for a second.

"W-Wait w-what?"

"Yeah.. I know. Toby and I became the best of friends when Felix started becoming good friends with him, we hung around and.. this happened.."

"But w-why?" You asked, feeling your eyes tearing up at a rapid speed.

"The other week.. he was complaining about how his relationships weren't going well at all.. and.. before I knew it it was too late! AND I FEEL SO BAD!" He cried.

"Pj.. please don't feel bad..
But thanks for telling me.." You said trying to comfort him, feeling yourself about to have a breakdown.

"I-I thought you should know.. thanks (Y/N)." Pj said miserably.

"Thankyou Pj, you're amazing. Call Felix or me if you need any comfort."

"Thanks, I will. Bye (Y/N)."


As soon as the beeps from the call signalling it had ended you broke down into tears and stuffed your phone into your pocket.

You started crying and breathing heavily, not being able to keep your balance.
You sloppily opened the cupboard door and entered the hallway which opened up into the big lounge where everybody else.
As soon as you wandered out into the hall Dan and Caspar instantly saw you.

Dan ran over with Caspar following.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Dan said extremely worried, as Caspar stood beside him.

You fell into a hug with both of them.

"He fucking.. killed himself.."

"(Y/N)?" You heard Felix call.

"Who?" Dan asked shakily.


"Oh my-" Dan said speechless.

You cried into Dan's chest, he comforted you a bit shocked himself.

"What about Toby?" Felix asked worriedly, you pulled away from Dan and looked up at Felix.

"He Uhm-" you stuttered, tears running down your cheeks.

"He Uhm.. killed himself.." Dan said for you, you nodded and was pulled into a hug by Felix.

And for the rest of the day you sat in the corner of the room like you used too, like you used too when you were little.
Always left out.
Dan came and sat with you for about two hours, tried to cheer you up, Felix did come over where he could but he was hosting most of the party to it was hard.

Joe and Caspar played with Jasper, so that was something that you didn't have to worry about.

You know it wasn't your fault Toby did that.

You just felt terribly guilty that you hadn't been talking to him recently because you had so much to do.

He had done what you attempted, but this time.. nobody saved him.

- For the next year you couldn't keep your spirits up knowing that you let someone commit suicide, and succeed-



Me and unknowntothehumaneye may be making a collab account and creating a book of Jasper's life.
So if you want to see that and see all your idols die in the process tag along.
I will make an update on this book if we release it.

Meanwhile you always have the rest of my account so the weird fanfictions aren't over!

Thanks for the mass amount of support throughout this story, I am so grateful.

And btw I couldn't be bothered to check this chapter through so sorry if there's any errors.

Instagram: Aestheticalphann

Thanks guys, ily all byee!

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