29| Sequel {1}

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-6 Months later-

Your POV

You sat with Joey watching television while scrolling through your Instagram comments on your phone, a lot of people still commenting.
'What's up with your relationship will Phil?' And 'Are Dan and Phil okay now?'
You rolled your eyes, you established this ages ago.

You haven't actually spoken to them since, Dan's just tweeted you stuff like, 'We understand, good luck :).'

Suddenly a call came up from Felix so you stood up and smiled at Joey.
"One second." You mumbled walking out of the room.

You took the call and held it up to your ear, "Hi Felix." You exclaimed happily.

A sad cry came through the phone, "(Y/N).. I need you.."

"Felix?" You asked alarmed, it was never like him to get this weak nowadays, "Are you alright?"

"M-Marzia left me.. I-I didn't make much of a reaction a-at first because I was in so much s-shock.. s-she just broke up with me saying that we're more like f-friends and I don't know how to feel.. I r-really need you, can you come over b-by any chance, I'll pay you back!" He cried, the last time you had heard him like this was when he was depressed.

"Never mind the 9 hour flight, I'm on my way, and don't bother paying me back, please hang on.. talk to someone li-"

"(Y/N)! WHY DO YOU SOUND WORRIED?" Came an obnoxious voice making you jump, you turned around to see Tyler and sushed him, then sticking up your middle finger at him as a joke, he smirked and then did the same thing.

"Okay Felix, I'll set off asap.
I love you, bye!" You said softly as you ended the call.

"Now tell me why you did that?" Tyler said raising his eyebrows with his hands on his hips.

"Felix needs help, like he's not dying, he's emotionally broken right now so I'm going to go and visit him, there."



"But it's like 11pm!"

"Oh well, I'm going and you can't stop me Ty!" You said in a sarcastic happy voice.

"Well I'm coming with you then!"

You chuckled thinking he was joking, "You're paying for your ticket then."

"Okay." He said running off to the guest room, packing obviously.

Well, you and Tyler cheering up Felix.
At least you had company for the flight.

You quickly texted Felix just to prepare himself as you had no choice for having bubbly Tyler around, but don't get him wrong, he's a very encouraging person.


It was 2am and you and Tyler were sitting at the airport, your plane was supposed to arrive at 1:30am but of course it was delayed by two hours so that was fun.
Meanwhile you were just on social media, and you hadn't tweeted for a while so you decided too.

'At the airport with Tyler with a delayed plane flight for two hours so yay.
My main point is we're on our way to Brighton, anyone up for a collab?'

You tweeted it and started scrolling down, there was a tweet from VidCon releasing the information on where it would be.

'VidCon 2018, going global once again!
Us California, 15th June 2018
Uk London, 6th June 2018
Au Melbourne, 24th June 2018
Hope to see you there, all people coming are listed on our website!'

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now