28| FINALE-Together

283 9 11

Dan's POV

I watched that video again later, and I was very offended, out of anything she did it with a YouTube video to upset Phil.

I'm actually quite glad they broke up, but I do hate seeing Phil upset knowing that he does really love (Y/N).

Since I've moved on from liking (Y/N) I've grown to have feelings for Phil, which I did not think would be happening five years later.

I need to stop falling in love with people who won't accept me.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, it scared me at first but I just leant back and replied with an upset "Yes," I couldn't help it after all.

My door was pushed open slightly and then Phil peered around the door at me before properly walking in.

"H-Hey Dan.." He stuttered nervously, taking small steps to come and join me on my bed.
"Hey Phil what's up, are you still torn from that.. y'know, video..?" I asked in a relatively normal voice.
"Uhm.. I'm getting over it.." He replied with a small nod as he sat down on the other end of the bed.

I lifted my laptop off me and set it down beside me and pulled my legs into a comfortable cross-legged position facing Phil, he looked like he wanted to have a serious conversation, but he looked scared at the same time.

"That's good." I smiled warmly, Phil seemed to.. blush?
I shook it off thinking it was just me and sighed.
"You seem quite miserable Phil, can I cheer you up?" I asked gazing into his bright striking eyes, I loved the blue with his jet black hair.
"W-Well I came in here to have a serious talk actually.." He mumbled fiddling with his jacket toggles before concentrating on me.
"Okay Phil go ahead." I smiled, patting his knee once before I realised how weird I was acting.
"S-Since (Y/N) has gone I've developed feelings for someone, and I know it's very fast track... do you have any advice?" He asked nervously, my heart shattered, I was completely broken.
"I-I have too Phil.. and it's s-so hard to hear those words come out of your mouth.." I blurted out, tears building up rapidly in my eyes.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and I was suddenly filled with warmth and hope, "A-Are you serious?" He asked also tearing up, with a hopeful yet emotional expression plastered onto his cute face.

I nodded weakly, he pulled me into a hug where I cried into his shoulder.
"I-I love you Dan.. I love you.." Phil whispered taking a few sniffs.

My world is complete.

"I love you too Phil.. how could we be so blind?" I whispered back nuzzling my head into his shoulder.

I guess we were together now.

But what do their fans think now they've been exposed?
Find out that and what happens to (Y/N) in the sequel ^_^

The sequel won't be in another book by the way, it will be in this book ;)

Have a nice day, hope I made you explode and g'bye ;)

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now