27 | Møved Øn

248 7 12

Warning = Very emotional best not to read in public, especially if your socially awkward and you get questioned ;)

Phil's POV

My phone buzzed suddenly, making me jump.
It was a tweet that Dan retweeted and mentioned me in.

'(Your twitter name): Hey everyone, I'm sorry for making you all worry so much, I didn't realise that I was going to cause so much stress.
I am safe an with someone trustworthy, I'm just trying to take a break from some shit.
I'll explain it all in the video, it'll be out tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for being so supportive <3.'

My face lit up, I was so relieved she was okay.
And she even says there's a new video coming out today, as this was posted yesterday.

I quickly checked my YouTube subscriptions and a video from (Y/N) popped up that was posted 45 seconds ago, it was titled:
'My Story- I'm Sorry (My breakup)'

I was kind of scared by the title, her story?
Did she tell the world about me and Dan, and why are the words 'My breakup' in the title?

I quickly clicked on it and watched closely, bracing myself for the emotions that I may be about to go through..

"B-But it's not working out the way we would've wanted it, and I'm sorry I have to do it this way Phil, if you're watching this.
I-I have to break up with you, you aren't dumped. Just... leaving it here.
I'm not saying I don't love you, I really really do..
It has just hurt me, you and Dan."
She explained, then bursting into uncontrollable tears, I was frozen.

She just broke up with me.. over a YouTube video that everyone can see.

I slammed the lid down, still hearing her crying from the video.
I just wanted to be in a hug, one of her hugs or Dan's hugs.. one of the best.

Still crying furiously, I kicked my laptop away from me and wailed in emotional pain.
I hugged my pillow and cried into it, my head face down into my bedsheets.

"Phil?" I heard Dan screamed alarmed as I carried on wailing.
"PHIL!" Dan then shouted as my bedroom door was flung open.

I looked up obviously looking like a wreck, messy hair, pink puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

Dan rushed over to me and sat beside me and pulled me into a big hug from the side, I just kept my hands down and rested my head on his shoulder.

By now the video had stopped playing.

"Phil.. what is wrong?" Dan asked calmingly, swaying from side to side slightly.
"S-She b-broke up with m-me!" I cried, then wrapping my arms around Dan's torso naturally, nuzzling my head into his warm chest.
I didn't realise how romantic this looked, but I was generally upset.

"D-Did she? Why?" Dan asked in shock, he also sounded quite nervous.
"L-Look at her r-recent video.." I sniffed sitting back up and wiping my tears before slumping back down into my normal sitting position.

Dan straightened his back with his right arm still around me grabbed my laptop and opened it up, turning it back on.
I felt him shuffle closer to me, my stomach felt a bit weird, like an excited feeling I got with (Y/N).. was I falling for-

My thoughts were interrupted by (Y/N)'s voice returning.

"I've attempted suicide for the second time recently.. Dan's been doing stupid shit.." She sighed from the laptop.

"Is this a new video?" Dan asked alarmed, "Yeah." I replied shakily, fiddling with my finger tips, my head rested on Dan's shoulder as he put the video to the start.

It played again, and I started crying when she started crying again.

"P-Phil.. I'm here, we're here together.. I'll always be here for you..
I'm so sorry this had to happen, I-I have no idea why she would do this!" Dan awed sympathetically, resting his head on top of mine.

Was I falling for Dan?
No such up Phil you've never had feelings for a guy, you're straight!

This is just friendly love.

"Thanks Dan.. can we just not think about (Y/N).. I k-know we care a lot about her but.. she's safe, she doesn't love me anymore.. and we need to get back to our daily lives." I asked looking at Dan who lifted his head off mine.

"Yeah, course.. you'll move on." He winked, I couldn't help to crack a smile, Dan is so cute-

Phil.. stop.

"I will.. eventually.." I nodded looking straight towards my white wall.

I'm moved onto you Dan.

Well, for Phil it is anyway, what does Dan think?

There's only one more chapter left of this book :O
There's a sequel so don't worry, anyways I hope I made you cry cuz I'm mean.

Have a good day/night.
Bye bye!

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