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(Sorry I love youtuber punk edits)

Your POV

"Okay, I'm ready." Joey replied with an encouraging nod.

"Alright, so.. back in 2009, eight years ago..
I was bullied, depressed and.. yeah, suicidal.
I was bullied by, Daniel Howell and Phillip Lester-" You explained starting to get a bit teary eyed.

"Wait what!?" Joey replied alarmed, surprised.

"Let me finish, then it will make sense." You replied coldly, then looked down and sighed, it was hard to talk about your past, "They harassed me sexually, abused me verbally and physically.
One day Dan had a laugh at me for self harming and called me something like an emo fag, as well as Felix saying he had to move back to Sweden permanently which meant leaving me, I decided I had had enough so I ran out of the classroom and ran away.. as far as I could until I found the local bridge, you can imagine what I tried to do next.."

"Oh my gosh-"

"But I was saved, by a boy who asked if I was okay earlier that day, and told me to talk to him if anything went wrong.
His name is Toby.
I still am in touch with him now, he's amazing.
And I ended up moving with Felix to Sweden, not having to see Dan and Phil ever again, Toby had told them they'd never see me again, he didn't establish whether I was dead or alive to worry them, y'know.. just to make them feel bad.."

You glanced up at Joey who's jaw was hung open in surprise, you took a breath and carried on.

"Then, years later, earlier this year I visited Zoey with Felix and Marzia.
I was living with Felix and Marzia at the time.
We went to visit and it was all good until the evening of the second day I arrived back from going to the shop and Felix warned me not to go upstairs, so I didn't, and all I heard were screams that sounded like they were caused by a video game, it was Zoe and two men.
The men sounded oddly familiar to me, because when they came down afterwards of course out of everyone they were Dan and Phil!
They had changed - a lot, obviously.
And Dan recognised me, so did Phil.
We talked things through and after a while I was staying in an apartment opposite them, Phil and I were in a relationship.
But I knew Dan was jealous, he loved me too and he was depressed.
Phil had told me that Dan had told him he liked me before we started dating, which apparently made him feel even worse as it was like he betrayed Dan.
It hurt me, as one day Phil and I came home and saw Dan in the bathroom with bloody arms and self harming, that occurred a few days ago.
This made me attempt another try at suicide, which failed, only this time I was saved barely by Dan.
Of course I'm very grateful now.

And I came here because I want to leave them, I don't want to hurt them or hurt myself anymore.
Apparently the only reason Dan ever self harmed in the first place was because of me, back in 2009, he did the same, now he's doing it again.

I just ran away, so please Joey! If Zoey or anyone come asking you say I'm not here! Don't give any context, specially not too Dan and Phil.
I feel so bad but I will eventually make a video addressing this issue so I don't seem like an ignorant bastard." You sighed, finally finishing your continuous rambling.

"I'm here for you (Y/N).. I love you in that friend way and I'm really glad you're alive! I'll keep your promise, I'll tell Daniel." Joey said crying slightly, you could tell from his voice as he pulled you into a long comforting hug.

"Thank you." You smiled, you were safe for a while.

Not forever.

- 2 Months Later -

'Dan Howell: Seriously, this isn't a joke anymore, where the hell have you gone!?

'Phil Lester: (Y/N), I'm sorry for being so blind, please come home! I haven't seen you for almost three months!'

'Zoe Sugg; (Y/N) you idiot! You're making everyone panic, you said the other day you were going back to your apartment but it's completely empty! Where the hell are you!'

'Alfie Deyes: (Y/N), please don't do anything stupid, not again..'

'Joe Sugg: I'm crying, that's not an exaggeration.. I'm so worried after what just happened and now this!'

'Caspar Lee: (Y/N), if this is a joke it's not funny anymore. Please, I'm here for you, I always have been.'

'Dan Howell: Okay everyone, its my fault she's gone, (Y/N).. I've done this.. in a fucking asshole.'

No.. no no!

'(Your twitter name): No it isn't all your fault, our friendship just isn't working out!'

You quickly decided to tweet a proper message yourself, you should probably create that video today.

'(Your twitter name): Hey everyone, I'm sorry for making you all worry so much, I didn't realise that I was going to cause so much stress.
I am safe an with someone trustworthy, I'm just trying to take a break from some shit.
I'll explain it all in the video, it'll be out tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for being so supportive <3'

You sighed, this was going to be hard.

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