11 | Bad Timing

605 21 3

|•June 2013•|

Your POV

You noticed that your lamp was turned off and your door was closed, somebody had been in.

You got up and dragged yourself over to your dresser and fished out some skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

You threw on some converse and put on some concealer, and brushed your hair.

And obviously you couldn't forget your choker.

You grabbed your phone with your credit card and wondered out of the house, if you talked to anyone you would probably run into Dan or Phil as they probably stayed over.

You headed to Starbucks, you luckily weren't late for half ten with Joe.

You noticed you were taking the sketchy route, then felt two arms wrap around you and your mouth.
You were pulled back into an even darker alleyway, you squirmed vigorously.

"Hey! You!" You heard some violent shouting and then running, you felt your body hit the ground violently.
You head buzzed as your vision faded, what the fuck was happening.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)? What the fuck! Phil! Over here!" A strong British boy called, it sounded like Dan.
Just your luck right.
You should be grateful you guess...

"Oh my gosh! Call an ambulance!" Phil exclaimed further away.

You could feel Dan's heavy breath, he was heavily close.

You managed to sit up, "Don't.. call the ambulance.. not there.. not again.."

They looked shocked, you watched as Phil slowly put his phone away in his pocket and come closer.

"Your heads bleeding." Dan stated, looking around the back.
"Not that badly." You added, putting your hand on the back of your head and flinching.
"Come on let's get you home." Phil said.

"I'm fine, let me continue with my day."  You said struggling up, then falling against the brick wall.

You felt yourself fall unconscious, and some arms catch you.
It felt like Phil, like that time he picket you up like that and threw you.
But this time it felt caring, felt safe.
Felt relaxing.

That doesn't mean you trust him.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now