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|•June 2013•|

Your POV

Dan and Phil came back in, Phil seemed to be glaring at you in shock a lot, Dan must've told him.

You huffed and turned to the screen where Zoey had the remote.
And then you realised what she was doing, looking up your YouTube channel.

"Zoey!" You hissed, running over to her and snatching the remote.
"No not now Zoey!!" You whined, turning on Netflix and handing the remote to Alfie, then you sat back down next to Felix.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, so you turned around, there was Dan with a worried and nervous look plastered onto his face.
"Hi, my names Dan, sorry I didn't get to introduce myself."
(You should've seen what I wore..)
Dan sighed, then chuckled.
"It's Uhm fine. I'm (Y/N)." You said firmly, then you shook hands awkwardly.
You shuddered at his touch, it still felt evil to you.

You gave him a, 'quit acting' look and turned back around.

Alfie had put on (a Netflix show) and everyone was happy with it.

Dan ended up sitting next to you, you awkwardly had shuffled closer to Felix.
You would never forgive Dan, or trust him or Phil even if your life depended on it.
Never again.


"One second!" Zoey exclaimed racing out of the room, then followed by Alfie and Marzia.
Felix was upstairs doing something so that left you, Dan and Phil.

"You know who I am don't you." Dan said weakly, breaking the deafening silence.

"Y-Yes." You gulped.

"I thought you were d-dead.." Phil weeped quietly.

You looked up, "Why would you guys care?" You said in a dumbfounded voice.

You knew he confessed that he loved you in that video.


"Because you loved me, sure that's fucking it Dan." I snapped, not too loud, "I saw your over dramatic video."

You shuffled further away from him.
"I don't believe you, you bullied the girl you apparently loved to suicide, that's what you at least thought anyway."

"I went into depression - deep depression, I was traumatised at what I did.. I made Phil fall into the same fucking trap." He sobbed.

"Bullies never change, go to hell Howell, Lester.
Toby is the one who saved me.. not you." You said, getting up and walking away, leaving them to sulk.

You walked into the kitchen to see Zoey, Marzia and Alfie look hopeful.

"You thought that would be a good idea?" You asked, raising a brow.
"Well..?" Marzia asked.
"I told them what I last told them, 'Go to hell.'"
"(Y/N)!!" Zoey whined.
"You don't understand Zoey, they made me want to disappear, kill myself. So I tried." You stated firmly, "They have to prove they love me if I can trust them again."
"Okay.. I believe you." She finally said.

"Good, I'm going in my room so goodbye." You said, then continuing to go up the stairs to go and cry.

Your had received a couple of texts while you were down stairs.

Joe😏: Hey (Y/N), I'm in Brighton. Want to do something tomorrow?

You: Sure, I need a break with someone other than Zoe..

Joe😏: Why, what did she do now?

You: It's a long story so I'll explain, do you think half ten at Starbucks will work?

Joe😏: Early, but sure! See you later!

You: Bye!

You rested your phone back down and dimmed your lights as it was late.

You typed it in again, 'Danisnotonfire.'

Him and Phil actually seemed like really nice people, but.. how?

Apart from that you were excited to see Joe, you had met when you first arrived at Zoey's but he had to go, it would be nice to get to know him better.

You managed to fall asleep..
Not deliberately.
Your life was probably going to change, again.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now