24 | Its Time

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Your POV

You had said your goodbyes and thank you's to Zoey and Alfie before you went to sleep last night.
And now it was time, you had just been woken up by your alarm at two in the morning.
You didn't care about your car so you just took a taxi to the airport with all of your stuff and your ticket.

(I know leaving ur car isn't realistic but I don't want to worry about what to do with it so yeah deal with you abandoning your Lamborghini or something idk)


Now you were in the waiting to aboard your flight, everything had gone well so far.
You had bumped into a couple of fans asking why you were at the airport, none of your fans knew about your suicide attempt and what was happening in your life so you just simply responded with a, 'I'm going to go and meet a friend for a video'

And no, you weren't going to do a video as Dan, Phil or whoever would probably see it and know where you are.

Joey had also said Tyler Oakley may be there, which you were excited for, you hadn't met Tyler but you had been on group chats on dm's and Skype a couple of times, he seemed great.

(I haven't been to an airport for 6 years so Idk if this is right, and idk where Joey lives so please go with it or correct me, thanks ;))

'Flight 42, over to Anaheim US please aboard now.'

That was your flight, you stood up safety knowing all of your suitcases were packed securely, you just had your bag with your phone, money and keys with you.
You wouldn't really be needing those keys anymore.

You boarded the plane safely and got a seat on your own, and you went into a world of daydreams.

You hadn't spoken to Toby for almost a year, he hadn't really been in your mind.
You decided not to bother him, as all you wanted to do was rest right now.


It was 6pm, you had just arrived in America.
Your taxi had just arrived so you got in and told him Joey's address, it was about 30 minutes away from the airport so it was quite a drive, especially just after a plane flight.

The bill wasn't too expensive, you quickly paid him and unloaded your luggage and looked at Joey's house, this looked like his YouTube videos.

You managed barely to drag all your stuff to the front door and ring the doorbell, a few barks were heard from inside but then a man came to the door.
"Ah- (Y/N) you're here!" Joey exclaimed looking happy to see you, you smiled back and laughed while giving him a small hug.

"It's so cool to see you again, as we didn't know each other as much last time!" You exclaimed taking a few bags in as Joey helped you with the rest.

"Haha yeah, your stay here is going to be fun af." He laughed, closing the front door.

"Well course, and thanks again Joey, it's really helped- but I still really want to talk to you about what has happened so you understand why the fuck I'm here so desperately." You sighed miserably finishing your sentence.

Joey took the lead up the stairs so you followed him.
"Of course, anything to help you! But of course, I am quite interested to know anyways!" He chuckled, even though it wasn't the matter to chuckle about, but you couldn't blame him, he doesn't know the story, your story.

"Thanks." You smiled again, Joey smiled warmly as he walked into a fairly big room.

It had white plan walls will a few bits of colourful art hung up, the bed had white sheets and red pillows, it matched the lampshade.

"This is the guest room, now your room!" Joey exclaimed as he put down the suitcases by the bed.

"It's a nice room, who designed it?" You asked curiously, taking a look at the white desk and chair.

"Daniel, oo! Speaking of Daniel come and meet him!" Joey exclaimed, taking your wrist just after you rested your cases down.

You were willingly lead downstairs to the sofa where Daniel was sitting, a tall brunette boy who looked fairly happy.

You introduced yourselves, Daniel was a very nice guy like Joey, you were going to get along.


"Joey." You finally said in the living room, Daniel was upstairs so this was your chance.


"We need to talk about why I'm here."

A/N: Sorry for shorter chapter I just wanted to leave a cliffhanger for no apparent reason so yay.

I did notice people's comments on the suggestions chapter but when I saw them I had already written the next chapter with Joey Graceffa in it as that is what somebody suggested on Instagram.
And people commented people like Marcus Butler which wouldn't really work as he's friends with Joe and stuff.

I know Joey's friends with everyone but he lives far away and he's not constantly hanging around with them for obvious reasons.


Sorry if that made no sense, okay gtg bye!

Thanks for the amount of reads, followers and votes btw!

Byeee! -889 words

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