34| Extension Chapter

202 6 35

• July 2027 •

Your POV


You jumped as you opened the door and was greeted by the big racket of everyone you loved around you.

"Jesus Christ you scared me!" You laughed running over to hug all of them. Caspar, Joe, Zoe, Alfie, Dan and Phil.
And of course Felix.

(I'm going to ruin your mind, Phil is 39, Dan is 35. Now I'm going to go and cry at my realisation.)

The feelings of hugging Felix had never changed, still bright and enjoyable.

"Your catching up." Felix chuckled into your ear, you gave him a sarcastic smile as he had around 75 million now.

As you hugged Dan and Phil, you thought back about 9 years ago and how it would be so terribly awkward to do so, but you're all the best of friends now.

Dan, Phil, you and Felix all shared a house, Joe and Caspar lived across the road so your house would most often get hijacked.
Oli (As in Oli White) was away at the moment so he couldn't make it, but he would most likely tag along with Joe and Caspar.

You loved everyone you lived around, it was such a good comeback from your shitty childhood.

You partied all day, until most people had fallen asleep on the sofa, Phil had thought ahead and scurried up to sleep in his room.

It was just you and Felix still awake, Zoe and Alfie had past our obviously being the lovebirds they are cuddling.

Joe had pushed Caspar off the sofa so he was asleep on the floor, Joe had passed out from drinking to much, that's what you assumed anyway.

You were all cuddled up with Felix, then suddenly he whispered something to you, "I'm glad this is how our lives are turning out now."

"Me too." You smiled, nuzzling your head further into his chest.

You still didn't know what you would do without Felix, half of your life was based around him.

Then it was your turn to fall to sleep, and you were having the best dreams.

... A few months after ...
(You're 31 by the way)

You wake up suddenly feeling a urgent feeling to have to run to the toilet, so you did.

You threw up and instantly flushed the toilet and bit your lip knowing what this could mean, referencing from what you and Felix did last night.

You didn't know weather to be happy or sad.
You stood in the mirror and looked up admiring your figure one last time considering what could be going on.

You couldn't get your hopes up yet, you had to go out and buy a test.
You decided not to tell Felix until later, as you wanted to check first.

You decided to properly ready and then wake up Felix.


"Feelixxx.." You said softly, lightly tapping him.

He groaned and then turned to face you, looking surprised at the fact you were already dressed.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now