2 | The Note

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'Dear Mum, Dad and Gabriel (Your brother)
I know this is a shock to come home to but I have honestly had enough, I snapped in class today at Dan Howell and I know you aren't going to be bothered anyway.
Thank you for letting me have a chance at life but I knew it wouldn't work out.
If your hunting for who it is, it's two people.
Daniel Howell and Phillip Lester.
Please say to Felix that I love him.
Thank you, sincerely (Y/N).'

You slammed it onto the kitchen table and ran out the door and down the street.
You knew where you were heading.
The bridge, not far from where you lived.

You were of course that weird pedestrian running along the pavement/sidewalk, did you really care anymore? Corse not.

You sprinted onto the bridge panting, also crying uncontrollably, you slowed down as you peered over the edge.

"(Y/N)!" A friendly voice called sadly, and as you heard that you did it, you stood up and let it happen.

You didn't remember the sensation of falling, you didn't even remember properly stepping off of the edge of the giant bridge.

Just sirens.. over sirens.. over sirens...

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now