20 | The Choice

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Phil's POV

The next few days were hell, I felt really awkward and guilty around Dan and (Y/N) wasn't around, which really drained my mood.

Suddenly I saw Dan walk through the living room door which made me jump slightly.
"Phil?" He asked quietly, also still devastated.
"Y-Yeah?" I answered nervously, feeling like my emotions were just going to explode.
"I'm sorry.." He mumbled with a sniff.
"For what?" I asked confused, he had done a lot of things, but they weren't particularly his fault.
"Making your life hell, making (Y/N) leave.." He sighed.
"Dan that's none of your fault! It's life.. life is-" I argued back.
"An isolation, you can't escape what your brain picks to think and do.. it's hell, agony! Fuck life!" Dan yelled angrily.
I stood up and walked over to Dan who was midway face palming.
I awkwardly gave Dan a hug which we stayed in for a few minutes, him hugging back.

"T-Thanks Phil." He stuttered as we departed and I let out a sigh.
"It's not a problem, everyone needs a hug sometimes." I shrugged with a slight smile, which soon faded as I sat back down.

Dan sat down on the other end of the sofa, in his sofa crease.

How much more awkward could this get?

Your POV

I sighed and sat down on my bed, staring at the well decorated walls.
I was in Zoey's house again, I didn't want to go to my mums house after all, we weren't on good terms.
I didn't want Dan or Phil randomly turning up or something either.

"I have made their life hell haven't I?" I sighed as I lay on the bed, my head hanging off, looking into a mirror.

I had made their life hell, it was payback for what they did in 2009..
Ugh I didn't want to think about it so much but it was the only thing on my mind.

- Flashback -

April 2009|

Another day, another beating.

I nervously crept through the school gates keeping my head down and hood up, protecting myself from the rain.

Suddenly I felt a hand grip mine tightly so I looked up, panicked.

"Please don't Dan.." I asked nervously, feeling my stomach then upside down.
"Hmph, you're funny." He smirked as he dragged me over behind the brick wall, which I tried to resist but it just made his grip on my skin feel like a burn.

As I was dragged with him I saw Phil accompanied him, Phil looked cute today.. but he wasn't going to do anything cute.

I was pinned to the wall by Dan, he got close up to my neck, I could feel his breath on my skin, my hairs stood on end.

"You excited?" He asked weirdly, gazing into my eyes cheekily.
Before I knew it his lips were slammed into mine again, I hated this feeling, I just wanted to throw up everywhere and die.

He released not long after breathing heavily, "You dirty slut." He chuckled, I saw Phil standing in the background just watching with an oddly concerned facial expression, but he just stood there, doing nothing.

I jumped as Dan slid his hands down the backs of my jeans, embracing me into a hug by doing this.
I felt Dan mess around in there and I tried to fidget out of his grasp but it didn't work.

"D-Dan.. why are you doing t-this?" I gulped, usually if I asked anything like this he would hit me.
"Because you're mine, nobody else's." He spat, I gave him a disgusted look.

"I'm not yours.." I mumbled under my breath, feeling Dan's hands slide up my shirt from my back.
"What did you say?" He asked intimidatingly.

"I- Uhm.. never mind." I stuttered, exhaling deeply.

"Aye! Dan fuck off!" I heard an angry call from my only friend, Felix.

I felt Dan's cold hands instantly get pulled back, and he walked backwards, I quickly rushed over to Felix and embraced him in a hug and whispered "Thank you."

"Hah, superhero eh?" Dan teased staring at me evilly, he looked scary.
"No, it's called defending my best friend."
Dan coughed fakely, "Girlfriend."

Felix and I walked away ignoring the bastard.

I hated Dan Howell, and his worthless friend who sometimes joined in Phil Lester.

I hope they die in hell.

- End Of Flashback -

And now I had to pick weather I should stay with Phil and take Dan's best friend away from him and also make him depressed by being with Phil or just not go with any of them and make myself depressed, and them both a little sad.

I didn't realise how loud I was whacking and crying, the door busted open to see a worried Zoe.

"(Y/N)!" She exclaimed running over to hug me.
She held me in an embrace, "I-I can't pick.." I whispered.

Life is a fucking ass.

A/N: Oh shit, what's gonna happen now??
I hope this is a nice chapter for tonight, this book is gaining tonnes of reads, it's crazy!
But thanks guys for reading, love you all!

I'm more active on my Instagram accounts:

Phan account : Phan.eyelashes
Fandom account : Fandoms.eyelashes

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