12 | Prove It

740 16 14

Picture caption : Try looking in Phil's mouth.

|•June 2013•|

Dan's POV

"Dan! Come on quick! We need to get her back now!" Phil ushered, as I kneeled next to (Y/N) holding her head.
"Oh god.." I muttered, tears flowing out my eyes like a waterfall, I quickly took action and put my arms around her waist awkwardly hoping she wouldn't wake up and make this even more awkward for me.
I did still love (Y/N), I always had done.
But I was a stupid asshole and watched those movies where everyone was like, 'I have to play hard to get.'
So I took the wrong path, and I made Phil fall down it with me.

I managed to pick her up with my arms supporting her head and underneath he knees.
She was surprisingly light, "Why did she come out anyway?" I asked Phil, starting to take a short cut home.

Phil shrugged as we stepped up our pace, "Probably to go shopping or meet someone."

What if she had a boyfriend? That idea broke me.

I nodded and gave Phil a fake smile.
What would the Internet think of me like this again.. like I was when Toby had told me that I would never see (Y/N) again.

I shuddered but carried on waking, Phil and I weren't too far away from Zoey's house.


Phil busted through the front door with you right behind carrying (Y/N).

"ZOEY, ALFIE WE NEED A FIRST AID KIT!" Phil shouted worriedly, footsteps approached through the house with a worried Zoey.
"Oh my gosh what on earth happened!" Zoe asked deep in shock.
"Huh?" Alfie asked wearily, coming out of the kitchen in his pyjamas.
"Get the first aid kit Alfie!" Zoey said firmly, Alfie saw (Y/N) carried in my arms and ran off quickly.

Zoey rushed over and escorted you and (Y/N) to the sofa.
As we lay her down and rested her head up.
"Why didn't you call 999/911?!" She exclaimed confused.
"Because she begged us not too.. it must've brought back flashbacks." I sighed with inflated red cheeks.
"Would it hurt if you told me her past?" She asked seriously, glaring at me with her crystal blue eyes.

I looked down in shame.
"You've watched the video though?"

"Fill me in on the details." She said sternly.

"I drove her to the edge... of committing suicide.. and hating herself, her life.. making her abandon her best friend also in need Felix.. made Phil fall into the same trap as me.. I just want her to.. k-know that I-I and P-Phil have c-changed.. but who would fucking believe m-me?!" I cried, tears covering my black shirt.

Zoey looked shocked as she had never seen me like this before, only Phil had.
Felix walked into the room.

"What the fuck." He stated, I looked around to see him staring right at me.

I stayed silent.

"Did you do this Dan?" He said angrily, stomping over to me.

"N-No! I would n-never!"

"You made her attempt fucking suicide, you would happily do anything to her!" He slapped my face furiously.

I put my hand up to my cheek and held it.

"It wasn't Dan, Dan has changed. A lot." Zoey added quietly.

"Yeah fucking right Dan, prove to me that you wouldn't." Felix said, I just fell over onto my side and cried into the white carpet.

"I would risk my fucking life now Felix." I wailed.

"No you would waste hers." He answered back quickly.

"How do I prove it to you?" I asked desperately.

"I don't know, reversing the past!" He said throwing his arms up.

"No.. seriously Felix!" I cried, "Any possible way.."

"Start a new friendship, don't be a dickhead and don't remind her of the past, don't show her your old videos." Felix said sternly, I slowly nodded still crying like the wreck I was.

"I will prove you and her that I've changed, along with Phil." I nodded weakly, I noticed Phil sobbing on the stairs.

"Good, now what happened? Throw me your excuse." Felix sighed.

"A weirdo started tried to kidnap her so we beat him up.. and then saved her when she fell unconscious." I breathed, trying to stop crying uncontrollably.

"Well thanks for bringing her back." Felix said oddly, like he was thankful but still didn't rely on me at all.

"Anytime." I replied, giving a weak but meaningful smile.

I knelt back up beside her as Alfie came hurrying holding a big case with a Red Cross painted onto it.

Zoey took the case and thanked him nicely before opening it up, and grabbing the first thing, I didn't pay much attention but she obviously knew how to use it.


"She's good." Zoey sighed relieved, standing up and packing the supplies away.
"Thank you.." I said thankfully, sitting on the other sofa just staring at her.
Felix kept giving me looks from the kitchen but I ignored him, I just really wanted (Y/N) to be alright.

"Please be okay.." I whispered, lying down on the sofa and closed my eyes.

I went into a deep meaningless sleep, waiting for (Y/N) to wake up, finally.

- Hey guys, so this is most of the pre written stuff I've worked on so there will be a few more days until a next official update, and I'll probably do chapters of at least 1k words, but that's not a promise.
Anyway guys, thanks for reading this book!

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