23 | "Move On Phil."

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Your POV

*Skip two days*

Dan had gone now leaving it with just you in Zoey's place.
You really wanted to just leave and not have to face Dan and Phil anymore, it hurt to leave but hurt more to stay.

You decided to chat up Joey Graceffa, you had met him a while ago at a VidCon with Felix, it wasn't the best night to remember but since then you and Joey had been chatting a lot, you were like online best friends. For the past six months you had stopped talking because of your problems with Dan and Phil.

'Hey Joey, how've you been?'

You decided to watch some YouTube while you waited for a reply, a new video had been uploaded onto DanAndPhilGames so you decided to go and check it out.

Not long through the video you got a reply.

'Oh my gosh hi (Y/N), it's been forever! I've been good, how about youuu?'

'Haha, it had been a while.
I haven't had the best time, this is one of the reasons I'm messaging you again..'

'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, what's up?'

'I feel like I should explain it in person properly, but all I'll say is that I attempted suicide for the second time a few days ago..'

Suddenly you received a FaceTime call from Joey so you quickly answered.

"Oh my gosh (Y/N), are you okay? What on earth has happened?" Joey asked worriedly, staring through the webcam.

"I-I just wanted to ask if you had an extra room for me to stay in, I don't know how long.. I just know you're one of my bestest friends right now that Dan or Phil wouldn't know about our friendship.."

"Yeah, I have a spare room? What makes you want to escape them so much?"

"They aren't threatening me or anything, I'm actually going out with Phil.. but I just don't want to ever speak to them again.. I don't want to hurt them, we've had the biggest past Joey! I'll explain when I arrive!"

"Oh my gosh, when are you coming?"

"What day will you be comfortable with?"

"Friday? Gives me 3 days to pack, you 3 days to prepare."

"Sure, that's perfect. I can't wait to see you, stay strong for lil' Joey here!"

"Haha, I will! Love ya fren!"

"Byee girl!" He said happily and hung up.

There was always something about Joey that cheered you up, he was almost always happy, his attitude really rubbed off on you.

You decided to pack the stuff you had with you here and then go to your apartment tomorrow evening and get your stuff so you wouldn't get noticed by Dan or Phil.


You had finished packing the stuff with you so you decided to go down and join Zoey and Alfie, it was about 20:30.

"Oh hey (Y/N)." Zoey smiled, patting a seat next to her and Alfie.
"Hey guys." You smiled with ran exhausted sigh, flopping down next to Zoey.
"Any good news?" Alfie asked peering over at you.
"Yeah, I'm moving back to my apartment in a few days." You smiled, lying. If you told them you were going to Joey's and Dan and Phil wanted to know where you were Zoey would surely crack.
"Ahh! That's good!" Zoey exclaimed.
"Yup." You nodded in agreement.

You all watched TV for the rest of the night until you went up to bed for the night, sleep dreams world.


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