33| Sequel {5}

203 9 24

• June 2018 •

Your POV


"Oh shit.." You heard a moan, your eyes fluttered open to see Felix rolling out of bed next to you.


You suddenly remembered that it was VidCon today, that's why you and Felix had set an alarm.


"Fucking hell, turn it off.." You groaned looking at Felix rolling around on the floor.

You heard Felix slam his hand down onto the button which turned it off.

You sighed and managed to find the strength to sit up.

Felix stood up, still in his boxers, he didn't work out that much but he seriously looked hot to you.

"Want some coffee love?" Felix asked with his morning voice, noticing you were staring at his body, you obviously blushed.

"Yes please." You smiled.

Felix nodded," You need to stop being so cute." He chuckled, then proceeding to through on a baggy t-shirt.

"Shut up." You smirked, then watching him walk out of the room.

Still feeling like you were going to pass out you climbed out of bed and stood up, your head going crazy.

You flung open the door of your closet and decided to wear that outfit your fans once went crazy for.
They knew it from your first collab with Phil, which obviously brought back bad memories but you generally loved the outfit.


Once you were completely ready and Felix had given you your coffee you picked up your last through things like your VidCon passes and phone.

"Ready?" Felix asked with a happy smile, you nodded and you joined hands.

You made your way to the centre in no time and hung out in the cafe area, you were the first ones there.


You and Felix were talking about future video idea until you were interrupted.

"(Y/N)! FELIX! OH MY GOSH HOW ARE YOU?" Exclaimed a Joey, the last time you had seen him was when you flew back to get the rest of your stuff which was a good few months ago.

"Oh Hey Joey!" You and Felix exclaimed sharing hugs before sitting down.

You had a big chat and some other people joined you guys, including Zoey, Alfie, Joe and Caspar.

Then when Louise came to join you all Dan and Phil soon did, they introduced themselves to most people until they reached you and Felix.

"Uhm- Hi (Y/N)." Dan smiled awkwardly, Phil just stayed behind him and smiled shyly.

"Hi Dan, Uhm.. how are you?" You asked, looking to see what he was wearing out of interested, he hadn't changed, black over black.

"I'm good, Phil is doing well as well." Dan nodded with a faint smile, trying to get Phil to join into the conversation.

"That's good.. and I'm sorry about, y'know.. what I did in that video, what I said.." You said awkwardly, biting your lip still feeling guilty, getting dumped and your past being exposed over a YouTube video, poor Phil.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now