21 | Let It Happen

317 13 14

Phil's POV

It had been a month since I had spoken to (Y/N) and I was missing her so badly, Dan's condition had luckily improved but I was just getting worse.

I decided to get my phone out and message her,
'Hey.. I really miss you..'

Please reply..

Your POV

I sighed as I heard my phone vibrate from across the room, I threw the razor blade into the sink and got up and walked over, ignoring my bloody arm.
It was from Phil, he said he was missing me.

I messaged him back, 'I miss being happy..'

But was I ever happy?

I placed my phone back down on the counter and decided to clean up, I had made enough cuts in my skin, it was relief, Dan had done it so I decided revert back as well.

Every time I've been with Dan and Phil my life hasn't been very good, it's just lead to more pain, why did I accept Phil's kiss that night, oh yeah.. because my bloody mind likes him.

Once I had stopped the bleeding, cleaned up and changed without Zoey noticing I went and did my makeup, just the usual.

I decided to throw on my black coat and take a walk, I know it's freezing but I don't care.

I walked down across the bridge way and looked down into the waters, that is so tempting..

I looked away and walked on, walking on into the alleyway that was oddly familiar.
It was where the gangs hung out, I once walked here quite a few years ago and got beaten up, I was warned never to come back so I didn't return, until now anyways.
But they wouldn't recognise me now, I didn't care.

I walked down the peaceful ways until a group of three chavvy looking boys came around.

I just stood there with my hands in my pockets, makeup smudged and emotionless.
"Hey baby girl." One of them smirked biting their lip, trying to be sexy, I just rolled my eyes and continued the other way.

I was grabbed by the shoulder and spun around by the same guy.

"I-I'm not in the mood, please." I said pleadingly, he just laughed.

"Come here baby, I'll show you some love." He said opening his arms.

I was going to say I had a boyfriend but I didn't even know if Phil and I were still together anymore.

Before I could say anything I was pinned against the closest wall and lips were pierced against mine, his lips tasted of an ash tray, drugs and stuff.
I hated this.. it's like what Dan did.
I wanted to die, I needed to die.

Suddenly he slid his hands up my shirt and started playing with my breasts.

He pulled away from the kiss giving me a few breaths.

"I-I can't do it anymore.." I mumbled, sliding down to the floor.

He suddenly took his hands away and bent down.

"What, us? I've hardly started babes."

"No.. I can't handle living anymore.. it's too much.." I cried into my shirt.

"I can make your life better.."

"No.. I have a boyfriend, and by being with him I'm wrecking someone else life as well.."

Why am I telling this guy this? Oh yeah, I have nothing to loose.

"What are you cheating on him?"

"N-No! His best friend loves me as well, and my boyfriend knew that when he asked me out, so me staying around with them is making the other depressed so I've ran away.. I don't want to hurt them anymore.."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I have nothing to loose.. I just want death, fuck me, abuse me but just kill me first.. I don't want my soul to be hurt or hurt anyone else anymore."

"N-No." He stated sternly.

With that I got up and started running, tears streaming down my face.
I managed to get away from them and reach the bridge, I climbed back up and inhaled, let it happen.

Dan's POV

Where the fuck had she gone, she said the other side of town but then Zoey said she was with her in Brighton and that she had been gone out for hours.

I was now in Brighton, walking around aimlessly on a bridge. I scuffed my black shoe against the hard concrete beneath me.
Suddenly I heard someone scream my name.

I looked up to see (Y/N) about to let herself loose off of a bridge and drown, because of me.. again.

As she started to loosen her group I sprinted over, dropping my phone and then grabbing her arm as she was halfway off.

Her feet were still on the edge of the concrete, just hanging off by my arm.

"I-I'm sorry..." She said glancing up into my eyes.
"Come home." I said, helping her back over and took her hand, I didn't care what she said.

I had driven her to suicide again.

A/N: Ouch.
Okay that's the end of this chapter obviously.
This story is nearing the end now unless I get suggestions to carry it on.

And thanks so much for 700 reads, it's crazy how many people are deciding to read this!

Okay thanks byeee!

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