14| Confession

611 13 44

|•June 2013•|

Your POV

You were still sitting on the sofa next to Dan, you didn't realise you were staring until he turned to you.
"In a trance?" He asked playfully.
You nodded slowly, cracking a smile when you looked at Dan.

"It happens a lot to me." He smirked, then looking back at his laptop, he was on tumblr.

Suddenly the door bell rang, and you guessed it was Joe.

"I'll get it." You sighed, getting up and feeling your head go all weird.
You hurried to the door and opened it to see a worried Joe at the door.
"You alright (Y/N), what's up?" He asked eyeing you up and down observantly.

"Come in, I'll tell you." You smiled, dragging him in.

"Oh hi Dan, Phil." Joe greeted happily as he followed you up the stairs.

"Hi." Dan replied, smiling, as so did Phil.

You and Joe hurried up the stairs and went into your room, you closed the door and sighed, sitting on your bed next to him.

"Spill girl, I'm here for you." He smiled sweetly, making you chill out more.

You explained what happened when you were walking to starbucks this morning, and then slowly told Joe your past, it was hard.. but he understood.

"Zoey is right though, they're great guys now. I'll have to admit, I was quite an asshole in high school.." Joe chuckled slightly, you bit your lip and nodded.

"Thanks Joe, anyway.. what have you been up too?" You decided to ask, not wanting to drag on about your troubles and your problems.

"Not much, got some new jumpers in the clothing line." He smirked.

"Congrats, I'll probably end up buying one." You chuckled.

"I'll give you one for free, we're friends afterall." He smiled.

"Thanks." You smiled and then looked around for a subject to talk about.

"Want to join the others downstairs?" You eventually suggested, then both you and Joe went to join Dan and Phil.


Halfway through the programme you were all watching you felt a light tap on your shoulder.

You turned around to see a nervous Phil, you were tempted to huff and groan but he helped you when you needed it recently, as so did Dan so you smiled.

"What's Phil?" You asked nicely, studying his facial expression.

"C-Could w-we talk.. l-like outside.." He asked stuttering a lot, you smiled and followed him out.

He brought you out onto the deck of the garden, he smiled at you cutely.

"So.. I need to confess something.. even if you don't believe me.." Phil sighed sadly, you instantly knew it was about 2009.

"Okay.." You said shakily.

"So since you disappeared, I have had a crush on you.. never forgotten.. and so does Dan.. it's really awkward.." He bit his lip nervously.

You sighed coldly, and waited for him to get on with it, you had kind of liked them both as well, but you were especially attracted to Phil.

Dan had always hurt you more than Phil anyway, Phil had tagged along but Dan was the reason of why it happened.

"I-I love you.. d-do you ac-accept me?" Phil asked trembling, you looked up at him sorrow filled his eyes.

"I don't really.. uhm.. I don't really know Phil, I just have had a crush on you for a while as well.. even with what you did to me.." You said quietly, then you were pulled into a large hug, it was warming and it made butterflies whirr around inside of you.

You slowly hugged back, wrapping your arms around his torso, and rested your head on his chest.

"Oh god.. Dan's going to hate me now.. but it's been hurting me as much as it has been hurting him.." Phil cried and rested his head on your shoulder, you felt your cheeks go a shade of crimson but you also felt very bad for Phil, to get his love he would have to hurt his best friend, same goes for Dan.

You and Phil stayed silent for a few minutes.

"C-Can I kiss you..?" He asked weakly.

"If you want to.." You blushed looking down.

He lifted your chin up lightly with his index finger and swept aside a piece of your fringe and tucked in behind your ear.

You glared peacefully into his bright blue eyes and placed your arms onto his shoulders.

Phil wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close, cupping your cheek.

You felt shivers tingle down your spine as he pouted his lips and leaned forward, closing his eyes.

You leaned in and let it happen, it was truly a magical experience.

Phil's lips were so soft, they tasted of coffee, typical Phil.

Phil's tongue licked your lips, making you moan slightly, you felt him smirk throughout the kiss. His tongue then followed to beg for entrance into your mouth, you allowed and now you were full on making out with one of your old school bullies, but yet the one you liked.

Phillip Michael Lester.

But yet you felt like sparks were flying as he explored the depths of your mouth, kissing passionately.

You eventually pulled away for breath.

"You're a really good kisser." Phil chuckled cutely, he looked extremely confident and happy.

"You are too, although I haven't had much experience." You smiled.

Phil laughed, his face scrunching up in that fashion that only Phil could pull off as being cute.

"Uhm.. Phil.. I do have feelings for you, but if it's going to hurt Dan.. I want to keep it secret for now, but if he makes a move on me I'll explain.. and make him promise to not hate you for it, as it's not your fault." I suggested, Phil nodded eagerly.

"Thanks." He smiled and he pecked you on the forehead.

"It's our little secret, so keep it quiet." You smirked pressing one of your fingers onto his soft lips.

He nodded and smirked, "I like tasting chocolate.. I can tell you've been eating some.."

"You tasted like coffee, I just thought, 'typical Phil'.." You laughed, as so did Phil.

"Let's go back in before they suspect something." Phil smiled quietly, you nodded willingly and departed from your long embrace and headed back inside.

Dan looked around curiously as you and Phil came back in and  then turned back.

You sat back down with no comment and noticed Dan had shuffled closer to you, great he really did like you.

But you liked his best friend, not him.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now