13| Don't do it

572 13 5

|•June 2013•|

Your POV

"I d-don't know w-weather I-I should h-hate you or l-love you.." You cried, staring into his eyes, empty.

"You should hate me, I hate myself afterall. Look what I did to you." He stood tall looking serious, not flinching by his sad thoughts.

The wind blew through my long hair, as I stared into pits of sadness on the rooftop, "Please Daniel, don't do what he did."

World faded around you, black particles sweeping the image away, you thought you were dying but you bolted up and your eyes flashed open in an instant.
It was just a dream.
You breathed heavily as you looked around and saw a worried Dan and Felix around you.

You turned to Dan and looked worriedly into his eyes, then you realised you were staring and turned to Felix.
He raised his eyebrow suspiciously.
"Was it just a dream?" Felix asked softly, resting his warm hand on your trembling arm.

You nodded, "Alright, as long as you're okay." He smirked, standing up and walking into another room.

"You were mumbling some shit." Dan muttered from the other side of you, you sat up properly and looked at him and sighed.
"L-Like what?" You asked, hoping you didn't say anything along the lines of 'I love anyone.'

"You said, Please, then someone's name, don't do what he did." He shrugged, but still looking quite concerned.

"Oh.. it was Uhm.. a flashback, not 2009." You lied looking down, feeling guilty.

"Oh.. okay, are you feeling alright?" Dan asked.

You nodded slowly, faking a smile.

"Good, you took a hard fall." He sighed.

"No wonder my head hurts." You chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, your phones been vibrating a lot." Dan said.

"Oh? Why?" You replied, Dan handed you your phone and there were spammed texts from Joe.

Joe😏: Is everything alright, you were supposed to be here an hour ago.

Joe😏: (Y/N)?

Joe😏: ??

You: Sorry Joe, something happened.. can I explain EVERYTHING if you come to Zoey's house??

You placed your phone down and sighed, "I was meant to go and meet Joe but.. yeah." You nodded.

"Oh okay.." Dan sighed, seeming to go back to his state of daydreaming.

You sat there and checked your phone, Joe had said yes, so you replied back, 'okay see you!'

You went onto tumblr and instantly found loads of romance quotes, in your small dream you were caring about Dan.
And how sad you felt, about Phil.

What was happening?

Disclaimer : Remember this is not a Joe x reader, just re assuring you.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now