6| Internet reunion

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I made the art myself, it's really bad I know but whatever :)

|•End of May 2013•|

Your POV

Today was the day you were going to meet Zoey and friends, you couldn't wait.

You walked out the door with Felix and Marzia, today you were wearing black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a choker and converse.

You sat in the car and prepared for a 47 minute drive to Brighton.
"God I'm crap at car rides." Felix sighed.
"You fidget to much." Marzia stated chuckling.

You sat in the drivers seat as you were surprisingly a better driver than Marzia and Felix.
"Ready guys? Used the loo?" You checked.
They both nodded, you sat next to Felix in the front while Marzia was in the back.
"Need anything from the gas station?" You asked.
The shook their heads and you accelerated out of your drive and started driving to Brighton, following your GPS.


"This is Zoey's house!" Felix exclaimed pointing to an average sized house, it was really cute and represented Zoey's personality, well the garden did at least.

"Okay, finally." You laughed, pulling into the drive and stopping the car.

You sighed deeply and leant back as you took the key out of the car.

"Lets go!" Marzia said excitedly.
"How can you still have so much energy?" You asked exhaustedly.
"I don't know." She chuckled, as you all got out of the car.
You owned a (TYPE OF CAR) with a (colour) exterior and a (colour) interior.


You knocked on the door and waited patiently, but secretly very excited.
You heard a few barks and then heard a deep confused British accent.

The door opened suddenly to reveal Alfie.
(Get tricked)
"Hey (Y/N)!" He exclaimed as you both have each other a friendly hug.

"Hi Alfie, it's so nice to meet you finally!" You laughed.

"You're taller than I expected you to be." He chuckled.

"Random." You smirked, then letting him say hi to Marzia and Felix.

Alfie let you in and called Zoey in who was apparently recording a video with Louise.

"Zoey! (Y/N), Felix and Marzia are here!" Alfie called loudly, getting a large "COMING!" from Zoey.

Zoey and Louise came bouncing down the stairs.
"Oh my gosh hello!" Louise exclaimed, whilst Zoey was basically about to jump on you.

"(Y/N)! Hi, it's finally time we met!" She exclaimed, squeezing you in a hug.

"Yes! Oh my god hi!" You replied back excitedly, hugging her back.

You finished up fangirling over Zoey and Louise and continued to act normal.

You decided to record a video together, the whisper challenge, it was really funny.
It was uploaded to your channel and then you all did a video for everybody else's channels, like truth or dare, QnA's and challenges.


*later in the evening*

Zoey had invited you to stay over, which you kindly accepted.

You were all watching a movie at about half eight, you were tired.

"I've got a big YouTube party to attend to in a few days, you should totally join me. And ooh! We could do a get ready with me video!" Zoey exclaimed excitedly, sprouting new ideas.

"Sure, I would love too! Even though I don't do much to get ready." You chuckled.

"Well we can try something new!" Zoey suggested, you smiled and chuckled.

"I'm going to crash, later Zoe." You sighed standing up.

"Alright, night." She replied.

You walked into one of the guest rooms and went on your phone, you had cleaned your teeth earlier so you were still hygienic.

You fell to sleep accidentally, but it was a nice sleep.
But a very deep one.

Insulted / Bullied By Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now