Chapter II: Here We Go Again

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"Hey Louis, can I ask you a favour?" He popped his head from his iPhone. "I'm going for a little while, but I'll be back for dinner. Tell Liam I'm out?" He just sat there and looked at my face as if to see what I was up to. "I just need to do something." I quickly assured him. Aside from Louis and I there were no one at the flat and I was happy for that, because if there would be anyone else, I would not be able to go see my dad. The boys, aside from Louis who was complaining about a stomachache, all went to see a movie at the theatre. I think Louis just doesn't like those sappy chick-flicks. I can relate with that.

"Where are you going?" That's weird, I think I heard a hint of... No, couldn't be. Maybe? I shook my thoughts off and just smiled. I felt stupid. "Danny, don't do something stupid." He poked his finger at my side as if to tell me that it was a joke. Oh how I wish it was all a joke...

"Just running a few errands, Lou. Nothing too risky." My voice broke at the last word and I hoped with all my heart that he didn't hear it. He did. Quickly he got off of the couch and walked towards me. "I'm fine, really." There were two iPhones on the couch's arm, so I grabbed the first one I saw, hoping to have made the right choice. And with that I stormed off, quickly grabbing my car keys and slamming the door behind me. My phone vibrated in my back pocket of my black Levi's, but I didn't care enough to check it. I just wanted to get this over with. 

"Well well well... Look who decided to pay a visit to her pap!" Dad was standing at the wide open door, even before I managed to knock. I took a deep breath and stepped into the flat. You could smell the alcohol in his breath when he leaned closer to examine my features. "So tell me Diannie, why did you come?" 

"I'm going on tour with Liam on Thursday and I won't be able to come for a while, so I just thought I should let you know." I spoke with confidence, but my heart felt like it was going to burst. Dad's face turned into a grimace and I knew what was coming. 

"Tell me, do you have a boyfriend?" 

"No, sir." I whispered. It displeased him and he came closer to me, demanding a louder response. 

"Do you know why no one likes you?" He gave me a glass of water, but I didn't drink it. I didn't trust him enough for that. "Because you're pathetic, useless, worthless, just a waste of space really. I wonder why you didn't kill yourself before. I mean, don't you see that Liam will be better off without you? I will be better off without you. Your mother will be just happy when it's just Liam." I know he was drunk, but his words still burned their way to my heart and remained pierced there. He walked behind me and pushed me forward until I fell, the glass shattered on the floor and my hands that were protecting my face encountered it. I was right for not drinking the "water". It was something else, for I could feel it sting in my cuts. Soon, there was blood flowing between each floor tile and mixing with the clear liquid. "Pathetic. Get off the floor!" He spat towards me. 

I could barely feel my hands now. Could the water be mixed with chloroform? Great. 

"I should probably get going, Liam expects me home by dinner." He laughed so loud that for a moment I thought someone ought to have heard him besides me. I was wrong.

"You think Liam cares about you? Please. He just feels sorry for you because you're so pathetic." The tears now rolled without my control. Damn my dad for doing this. Why the hell am I still here? I could leave. I could just make a run for it... go Diana. Just go now. I tried to run to the door, but it was locked and the key was held by my dad. Perfect. "Uh uh uh... I wouldn't get in such a rush. We haven't had tea yet. Surely you'd like to stay for a bit." I gulped as he grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I just begged my dad not to sense it. He didn't. There was a snap that echoed loudly through the nearly empty flat. I let out a scream from the top of my lungs. He started hitting me relentlessly, until I could no longer scream. I just laid there on the floor with no more strength. 

There was a knock on the door and then a loud thud. I heard familiar voices arguing amongst themselves. "Idiot! Why the hell would you knock?" I heard Liam.

"I dunno, maybe he will be polite." That was definitely Niall.

"Twats, just open the damn door! Danny is there!" Could it be... No. Impossible. But... Louis?

The door barged open with a strong kick by Niall. For a short leprechaun, he sure was strong. I looked up, only to find five pairs of eyes all looking at me. Well, Zayn and Niall were looking for who I guessed to be my dad. But they were wrong to look for him. He was sound asleep, or passed out in his room. My vision became blurred until tears took over my eyes completely. My whole body ached and when I finally couldn't take it anymore, I just closed my eyes.

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