Chapter XIII: Someone Cares. Accept It.

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~Niall’s Point of View~

It was only one more point till the end of the game. Ana had full control of the football and was about to kick it to Liam. I thought I could just make a run for it and snatch the ball from her feet. I ran as fast as I could towards her.

“Danny, be careful!” Louis shouted at her. Before I knew it, my foot met her knee with a bone-screeching crash. I felt her knee shatter under my foot as she was pushed across the lawn and to the side-lines. Oh my God…

I saw her knee cap being completely dislocated and shifted in her skin. There was a huge cut and she touched it lightly, only to be alerted by the insane amount of blood pouring from it. I tried to reach her, but Louis shoved me out of the way.

“Oh my God, Danny!” He knelt down beside her and hesitated on touching her. She tried to stand up, against the pleading of everyone around. “No, Danny, don’t!” Louis pleaded, but she didn’t listen to him. We all watched in horror as she attempted to take a step, ultimately resulting in her vomiting her guts out on the side-lines. Paparazzi started showing up around and photographed the whole scene, hungry for the bits of gossip they can have.

“Diana!” we all yelled out, seeing as she collapsed on the ground now. Liam knelt down beside her as well as Louis and Harry (who kept her hair from the puddle of vomit). We all tried to help somehow, whether it was massaging her stomach, pulling her hair away, giving her support to her back, or easing her clenched fists. Liam even decided to take her shoes off, which was probably a good idea since…since… I don’t know. I just felt extreme guilt for the whole scene.

The paramedics arrived and ran towards us with a solid gurny.

Ana, I am so sorry… this is my entire fault. I shouldn’t have run into you like that. Oh Ana… please be okay.” I sobbed into her neck. Louis pushed me away and occupied my space next to her.

The ambulance ride went by as a blur and I don’t remember half of the things even said, but I do remember the pain in Louis’ eyes when he was offered to drug her with a chloroformed cloth. Since she didn’t respond to his question, he handed Liam the cloth and looked away while he plastered it to her face. All of us, but Louis, watched as her expression eased up and her fist relaxed and fell from touch.

~Louis’ Point of View~

I don’t know what I was supposed to think or do right now. Seeing my beautiful baby Danny in so much was heart breaking. I couldn’t possibly chloroform her so I just asked Liam to do it for me. I just couldn’t let her be in this much pain. It wasn’t fair. I shouldn’t have let her play after what happened earlier. I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“We are going to have to perform a surgery, seeing that she has completely dislocated her knee cap and the only way we could stitch up the cut is if the bone will be placed back into its place. Which one of you is her family member?” Liam stood up and the doctor gave him a form to sign, indicating it was okay for the operation to take place.

“How much time will it take?” Zayn asked without taking his eyes off of her now dressed knee.

“Just two hours or so if everything goes well.” Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and I all shot our heads straight at him with horrified looks. “There are some complications involved here, I am sorry. We need to run some tests before getting her into the operation room, just to make sure it will all be fine.”

“What are those risks?” I asked dryly.

“Saying she is taking regular medication, this might affect her reaction to the chemicals we will put in her knee.” My heart dropped and I could tell Liam’s did, also. “If she is underweight or under irregular diet, which would be very dangerous if combined with medications, this could lead to a few complications.” But she is eating okay, right? I mean… I’ve seen her eat all of her food and she did eat all of her pancakes that day and… but what if I didn’t imagine her bones sticking out? What if she is underweight? I suddenly remembered how light she felt to me, how dizzy she felt recently, how exhausted, how distant, how dull her eyes were every time she would exit the bathroom… I traced millions of possible solutions in my head, but none of them seemed possible to me. No, my baby is not anorexic. She is not bulimic. She is healthy and normal.

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