Chapter L: She Has All the Time You Want

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~Louis’ Point of View~

It’s been two days and still there’s been no change in her situation. Occasionally, the doctors would wash her and let Kelsey braid or style her hair, but other than that - she would remain in bed, pale and lifeless. So far, I’ve gone back to the flat I still shared with Harry twice; only to shower and change my clothes.

“Danny, I wish you could hear me… please just say something. Do something…” I whispered to her as my thumb gently stroked over her cold palm. “Everyone misses you so much, baby. They’re all waiting for you to come back to us.”

“Louis?” Kelsey asked at the door. “Everyone’s at lunch now, so I just thought you might want to go eat.” She said shyly and took the seat in front of me, on the other side of the bed.

“I think I’ll just stay here, thanks.” I said without looking up at her.

“When was the last time you even ate? I mean more than an apple or a soda…” I thought for a minute and nodded.

“Aren’t you eating?” I asked her when I realised she wasn’t following me.

“I think I’ll skip lunch today. I’ll get some snacks later if I’m peckish.” I gave her a sad smile since if you listened carefully, you’d notice her developing accent and slang.

“I’ll bring you something.” She smiled sadly at me and I left the room, but as I got out, I heard her talk to Danny and my curiosity got the best of me.

“Hey Dana…” she said with a sad smile in her voice. “The doctors told us to keep you here with us, so I guess I’ll just talk to you for a bit, even though if I was you, I wouldn’t want to listen to me… I’m really sorry I missed your concert. I know just how much this means to you. Whenever we’d sleep over at each other’s flats, you’d always talk in your sleep about how much you miss the stage. Sometimes, you would sing something or hum for like a split second and then stop. I don’t think you even notice when you would tap the desk in class like you were playing the piano. I doubt you even knew what you were doing, but you used to hum all the time. I know you didn’t want to, but you did. Dana, we all really miss you. I don’t know if you can actually hear us or not, but Louis’ been going crazy over the past two days for you. He hasn’t slept or eaten much… he really does love you, Dana.” I smiled at that and prayed with all my heart that she was at least able to hear Kelsey. “I know you’re not much for the religion and God, but I am and if I believe it’s going to help you, then it’s all that matters, right?” she paused for a minute, then knelt beside her bed with her elbows on the edge of Danny’s bed. “God, I know I’m not the purest Christian and I’ve had my fair share of mistakes in my life. I’ve done things I shouldn’t have and I honestly do regret them, but please… if you can just… help my best friend. She’s all I really have. I know she’s needed here with her family and friends. Everyone needs her here and I just… I don’t want to let her go. God, please help her. Make her smile again. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, amen.” My eyes filled with tears, so I just left. I was never much into the religion and praying, but if Kelsey was and if she thought it was her best way of showing how much Danny means to her… it was all it took for me.


“Is Kelsey up there with her?” Niall asked from his plate. I nodded with a slight smile.

“Your girlfriend is really something special.” I said to him. Niall’s smile spread wider than it did in the past two days and he nodded thoughtfully.

“How are you?” he asked me seriously.

“Honestly, I’ll be fine when she will.” I said and plumped down on the chair in front of him.

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