Chapter XI: The Ending of the End?

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~Louis’ Point of View~

When I placed Danny in bed, I couldn’t quite fall asleep, so I just sat there and stared at the girl I could never have. It’s funny how not even a few months ago we were all at an interview and said how we all agree that none of us dates any of our sisters. I stroked her beautiful tangled braid and just thought of the huge luck I have to even be in the same room as her.

She shifted a bit, which automatically threw me into a protective mode, ready to banish her demons away, but nothing happened so I just sighed in relief.

Then I thought to myself… maybe I should help her? Yes, I am going to help her. And with the thought of a cured Danny in mind – I went to her bathroom, prepared to see anything feminine around. I mean… I have 5 sisters, so I kind of got used to it, though the twins don’t have any… well… yeah. Oh God, Louis, just shut up! I shushed my thoughts and hurried to find the one thing I knew had to be there. Not here, not here, not here, not here… I must have searched in every cabinet or drawer or tile around. But wait, what exactly was I looking for? I don’t know what she uses… I settled for anything that looked like it could cause those dreadful cuts, so I took away shaving razors, scissors, and her nail filer. I mean… it was kind of sharp…

When I was done throwing away those object and came back to her room; I was happy to see her so peaceful. I kissed her cheek, but it was closer to her lips than her cheek, so it resulted in me kissing the corner of her mouth. Don’t get me wrong, I felt like tiny butterflies ran through my stomach and I absolutely loved it, but it also felt like I shouldn’t have done that. I closed my eyes and huddled closer to her oh-so-fragile body for warmth under the thick duvet. I fell asleep almost immediately, with the thought of her beautiful smile in my mind.

“Louis?” I heard someone’s voice right above me, shaking me from my peaceful dream about the most beautiful girl in the world. I opened one heavy eye, then another, and found a rather strange looking Liam. Was he mad at me? Was he frustrated? I couldn’t quite figure out his expression, but I know he had a hint of surrender to his eyes. I sat up in the bed and took a bit of the cover off; just to show him we were both still dressed. He seemed a tad relieved, but not much. “Any nightmares…?” he seemed to expect me to finish the rest of the question, but I just shook my head with a light smile. He returned a weak smile and watched his sister’s steady breaths.

“Everything okay, Li?” I asked him, a bit confused by his lack of talking.

“I don’t wanna wake her up.” I got the hint and carefully climbed out of bed and made my way out of the room, taking one last glance and making sure she’s alright.

“What’s up?” I asked Liam once we were at the kitchen. Harry and Zayn were still sound asleep on the floor, and Niall was still lying on the loveseat with his eyes closed and steady breaths, so I assumed he was asleep as well.

“Maybe I’m overreacting, but have you noticed anything different about Annie lately? She seems really strange ever since… well… yeah.” shit! What am I supposed to tell him? I don’t want to betray her trust, but I can’t stand lying to Liam. Then again, if Liam knows… maybe this could help her? “Louis!” Liam shook me out of my thoughts.

“What do you mean?” I asked him, trying to prolong the response time for as long as possible.

“She doesn’t talk to me. I mean… we used to be really close, but now it’s like she distanced herself away from me. She had 2 nightmares last night and one got so bad she just kicked me.” I looked at him with shock. Every word was organised and clear in my head, but as I opened my mouth nothing came out, so I just stood there with my jaw dropped. Suddenly, we heard silenced talking from her room and we both looked at each other for confirmation that was not even needed. Liam and I both shot upstairs, but hesitated when we got to her room.

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