Chapter XV: Typical Me

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I awoke to the sound of the door lock clicking and shot myself up immediately so I won’t let anyone know who I am. Quickly I put my sunglasses back on and my hoodie, but my hasty actions resulted in great dizziness and blurry vision. I was hungry and there was no denying to it.

“What the… who the hell are you?” A woman, maybe 24 years old, screamed in my face with her thick Dublin accent. “Get the hell out of here, you’re so disgusting!” I felt the tears well up in my eyes, but I just couldn’t let them out, for it demanded much more energy than that of which I had. I ran out of the door without a single word and onto the street.

Luckily, when I checked my phone, it was only 13:20 so it meant that I was out only for an hour and thirteen minutes. I guess Louis doesn’t really care about me if he didn’t even call… maybe he was busy? Yeah, that’s probably the reason why he didn’t come. But…maybe he doesn’t care about me at all and he just felt sorry for me? Maybe he talked to Harry? I ran many thoughts in my head by the time I got to the hotel, but at the entrance, I ran into a young man, maybe 18 years old. I didn’t really see his face since I fell onto mine.

“Oh, watch where you’re goin’ it’s a bit slippery there.” He chuckled and helped me up. Oh. My. God. He was fit! His beautiful blue eyes were staring straight into mine and his red hair was messy, but not too messy. He was fit! “Are you alright?” His thick Dublin accent was just mesmerising. “You have really pretty eyes.” he said out of nowhere and I realised my sunglasses were on the ground; but it just hit me that we were staring at each other for what felt like forever. I automatically dropped my gaze to avoid his undeserved complement.

“Sorry I tackled you…” I mumbled and it made him laugh. Oh his laugh is too cute!

“It’s alright! Are you alright?” His tone changed and seemed…concerned?

“Yeah, I am just clumsy sometimes. Anyways, I’m really sorry…” I trailed off, waiting for him to present himself properly.

“Connor,” he offered his hand for me to shake, which I gladly took. He had really soft hands… “What’s your name?” I blanked.

“Erm… Diana. Diana Payne. Nice to meet you, Connor.” I finally responded.

“Wait a minute… I thought I knew you! You’re erm…” he scratched the back of his head awkwardly, obviously trying to remember who I was.

“Liam’s sister?” I asked dryly. Oh don’t get me wrong, I love Liam and I would do anything for him, but I can’t help but feel like I can be so much more than “Liam’s sister”.

“Yeah. From One Direction, right?” I nodded and his beautiful smile vanished. Was he a hater? “I have to ask, erm… because my… erm… sister is a fan… are you and that guy, Louis, dating?” I blushed and looked down at the floor, which seemed much more appealing than his curious eyes at the moment.

“No.” I said and looked back to his now smiling face.

“Erm… I was wondering… can I make it up to you for making you… erm… fall?” He asked embarrassingly. Was he seriously just asking me OUT?! No, he is probably just feeling bad because of what happened, though I should be the one to apologise, not him.

“I’d love that, though there’s nothing for you to make up for.” he smiled and handed me his phone, indicating I should put my number in, so I did the same. I saved my contact as “Diana =)” and he as “Connor :P”. Awww! I thought it was just a “me” thing to put smiles after people’s name. He smiled when he saw my contact name.

“May I take a picture? It’s for the contact…” he quickly added and looked down at his feet. I hated having photographs taken of me. I never felt pretty enough to be worthy of being the main sight in them. I bit on my lower lip, not knowing what to say and how to reject the idea. “Please? I really do think you’re pretty…” I looked up at his blue puppy eyes with my hazel eyes that started to well up with tears. Did he just… did he just say I was… pretty?! Impossible…

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