Chapter VIII: The Aftermath of Truth or Dare

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When Louis left, I got out of bed and stuffed it with pillows so it would seem like I am sleeping. I couldn’t allow myself to fall asleep, because what if I see Dad or have those awful nightmares again in my sleep? I can’t possibly let it happen now that everyone was over and I was really close to the living room. So I just walked around the room for a while, listening to music and occasionally switching the song. I didn’t want to make much noise so the boys won’t think about finding out I faked and demand the dare they wanted to make me do. I’m going to postpone it until I can’t avoid it anymore, which I hope will be never.

After about an hour of doing absolutely nothing, I turned my iPod off and sat right near the door. Even trying to eavesdrop to the boys’ conversations was useless, because they weren’t talking, just watching some movie I couldn’t figure out.

My eyes slowly began to close, but every time I would drop my head I would instantly be shot straight up, terrified of dreaming. This is going to be a long night…

Finally I heard the TV, or better yet – didn’t hear it, which meant it was closed and the boys were going to bed.

“Hang on, I’m going to check up on Annie.” I heard Li announce to whoever was listening. I sprinted to my bed and covered myself quickly. Liam entered the room and looked at me (I had my eyes open, but it was too dark for him to tell). He stepped closer to me until he was right above me. I closed my eyes and focused on everything around me so that I wouldn’t fall asleep. “Sleep tight, Banannie. I hope you’ll be able to sleep through the night.” He bent over and kissed my temple softly. Tears streamed through my shut eyes and I just hoped he didn’t see them. He didn’t. Phew! He turned away and left, but he left the door half open. I guess in case I have a nightmare or whatever.

I felt so tired after he left, like I was under a huge weight and I couldn’t shake it up. Maybe a coffee will be good? It took all I had to get out of bed and walk to the kitchen, as quiet as I could. All the boys were sound asleep on the couches and the carpet floor.

Liam was exhausted, I could tell by the way he wasn’t even the slightest bit snoring. Zany and Harry were both on the floor; Niall was on the loveseat, and Louis… wait, where is Louis?

“Not going to even try?” I heard Louis whisper behind me and it scared the living hell out of me! I jumped startled and fell to the ground. Embarrassing. He helped me up and apologised. “So you’re not even going to try to fall asleep?” I nodded. I was too tired to lie. But wait, he is supposed to think that I was asleep!

“I was sleeping a bit earlier. You guys take so long…” I tried to cheer his dull mood a bit. He smiled weakly.

“Yeah, right.” I felt so ashamed and I just wanted to bury myself in a hole and never get out.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone, then?” Maybe I can change the conversation topic? Nope, it just made him more upset.

“I didn’t want you to do what they want you to. Tomorrow, I’m going to make sure they forget about it and you just have to pretend to be really confused of what’s going on, okay?” Curiosity got the best of me and I just had to open my mouth for questions…

“But what did they want me to do?” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Louis, please?”

“Okay, but I had nothing to do with it. I was against it from the start!” He started to turn away to make tea, but I grabbed his hand to pull him closer. We were now a touch away from each other. I could feel my heart pounding so fast that I thought he was going to hear it for sure!

“Louis…” I whispered.

“They wanted to make you kiss the one boy you like in the room, excluding Liam, obviously. We were all going to be blindfolded and you just have to kiss one of us.” He blurted out. I just wanted to die of embarrassment. What the hell were they thinking?!

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