Chapter XVIII: You Like What You Hear?

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“Ana, wake up.” I felt a nudge at my shoulder, but I was too tired and comfortable to move even the slightest bit. “Ana…” I flailed my hand towards the annoying person and accidentally hit his nose. “What the hell, Diana?!” Niall screamed, waking Louis up.

“Well, good morning to you, too, mate.” Ah… Louis’ morning voice is adorable!

“What the… but I thought that… didn’t Harry… HUH?!” Niall was confused to see Louis in my bed. At that moment, I just thanked whatever there is to thank that it wasn’t Liam who woke me up. Spoke too soon, idiot.

“Louis? Annie? What the hell is going on here?” Soon came in Harry, who dragged Zayn behind him as well. Well, this is quite the start for a morning, isn’t it?

“Calm down, we’re dressed.” I said and tried to sound as tired as possible.

“Lou, why are you in Diana’s bed?” Harry asked through gritted teeth. Guess he’s still mad, eh?

“I… erm…”

“What time is it?” I asked, trying to change the subject. Suddenly, I remembered Uncle Simon and the studios.

“Almost eight and the studios are forty minutes away, so get your lazy arse out of bed!” Niall shouted excitedly.  I guess the leprechaun was actually not mad anymore? I groaned in response and threw my pillow at him. Everyone laughed and left, leaving Louis and I alone in bed to wake up normally.

“Do you want me to let you dress now?” he asked awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. I blushed and threw my gaze at the floor… “Okay, I’ll make you some breakfast meanwhile.” He planted a soft kiss on my cheek and left before I could reject the food. Damn it!

I chose a pair of teal coloured skinny jeans with stains of black in the fabric, a black shirt, a grey crochet jumper that fit loosely and hid my obnoxious curves, and a grey slouchy beanie. I didn’t do much to my hair except comb through it and let it cascade over my back in its hazel coloured waves. Soon, the sweet smell of pancakes arose in the flat and made my stomach growl painfully. I took a deep breath and went to the kitchen.

“Good morning, princess.” Louis greeted me warmly and placed a plate with two huge pancakes, dunk in syrup right in front of me. No one was around, so I greeted him back with a small kiss. I can get used to this. I would love to get used to this. I thought to myself happily, but then I turned my head around and saw the calorie-infested plate…

“I’m really sorry, but I’m not really hungry.” I said and pushed the plate away from me slightly. His smile vanished quickly and turned into a rather sad looking puppy with huge blue-green eyes. How can I resist this?! Easy! Don’t give in, Ana! Don’t you dare have a single bite!

“But…I made it just for you…”

“I’m really not hungry, though. I’m sorry, Louis…”

“You have to eat something, Danny. When was the last time you ate anyways?” Uh oh…

“I ate dinner yesterday while you guys were out at the restaurant.” I lied. I mean… I did eat an apple.

“Danny, please just eat some.” I took a deep breath and took a tiny bite, but right as the sweet flavour had spread on my craving tongue, I knew it was useless trying to stop. I shoved bite after bite into my mouth. Bite, taste, savour, chew, and swallow. Bite, taste, savour, chew, and swallow. Bite, taste, savour, chew, swallow… “Wow. I guess someone was hungry. Do you want some more?” I stared at my clean plate with such shame. I shook my head slowly as the tears collected in my eyes. You ruined everything you worked so hard for. Congratulations, you are now a complete failure. I thought to myself. A few tears escaped my eyes, but Louis didn’t see.

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