Chapter XVII: Mending My Broken Parts

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“Danny,” Louis started, but when his eyes saw me curled up into a ball with my head buried in my knees and my hands wrapping myself tightly, he stopped and kneeled in front of me.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You deserve better, Lou.” I couldn’t look at his eyes, but I heard the smile in his breath.

“Danny…” Louis started, but a knock on the door stopped him.

“Annie, have you seen L–“ Liam asked, but stopped when he saw Louis in my room. “Hey, are you alright?” I attempted a weak smile in between my tears. Louis huffed and motioned something with his hands that I didn’t quite understand. Well, if he didn’t hate you enough before, he surely hates you now.

“Liam, have you seen the…” Zayn asked, but as he came closer to my room and saw the scene, he stopped. “Oh. Sorry, mate.”

“It’s fine.” Louis mouthed bitterly and stepped up. He left the room and Zayn followed after him.

“Annie, what’s going on?” Liam closed the door and sat next to me, taking my knee in his elbow. I wanted to tell him everything that happened so bad… I just wanted to tell my big brother about everything, but he can’t know… it’ll break him for sure.

“I’m adopted, Li…” I said weakly. Then I remembered that he already knew, since he told me in the hospital that he loves me regardless if I am his blood sister or not. “Sorry… I forgot you knew…”

“Annie, love, I know it’s hard for you.” He embraced me to his chest and kissed my hair forcefully. “But I love you so much. You’re my sister no matter what anyone else thinks. Listen to me, I know it’s been hard for you lately and I just wish I could something to help… but please, just let me know what’s going on in my little Banannie’s head.” I smiled slightly from his childish joke, which he gladly took as an accomplishment. I really did want to just tell him everything then and there, but when I opened my mouth, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, indicating a new message.

Connor :P :

“R u coming?” then I noticed it was already 00:12 and I remember I told him I’d be on the roof at midnight.

“Where are you going?” Liam asked as I put on a blue slouchy beanie and opened the door.

“Connor wants to meet me on the roof.” He grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the room.

“I don’t trust him; just tell him you’re not going. I could do it for you.”

“I’m not a kid, Liam. I can handle a boy by myself.” My voice broke as I remembered what happened at the bar earlier.

“What is it?” He asked worriedly. Don’t tell him. Ana, don’t do it.

“Nothing. Look, I’ll be fine.”

“Diana, please listen to me.”

“Why are you so against me having a friend?” it hurt his feelings, judging by the face he made, but I really just wanted to be friends with Connor and I’m sure he did, too. My phone buzzed again, indicating another message.

Connor :P :

“Look, if u have other plans that’s cool. I’m going back to my room. Sorry Diannie :( “ my whole world just shattered to the sight of the nickname he decided to give me. Only one person has ever called me Diannie and that man was nothing I wanted to think about right now. I was going to go to the roof, but I was suddenly happy that Connor would not be there.

“He went back to his room. Now can I go up?” Liam sighed.


“I just want to see what it’s like. He said that you could see all of Dublin from up there and I wanna see it since we’re leaving soon.”

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