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I re-published all the private chapters and un-private them so that everyone could read it without any problem. Enjoy reading :)


Bonjour mes beaux lecteurs! This is my new story and i hope that you like it. Yes, this story is connected to SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE because Angelique 'Angela' Novell is the younger sister of Regan and Hunter Hatzis is the brother of Tiffany, Regan's ex-wife. Hope you like it!

Please don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, SHARE this story and FOLLOW me. Thank you!



"W-who are you?" I asked him uncomfortably as I stared back at him. 

He didn't answer immediately and sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes never left mine.

"I am your husband Angel. You don't remember it but we got married 2 days before that awful accident"

 The slice of apple in my hand fell on my lap as I stared at this gorgeous specimen in front of me who was claiming to be my husband. My heart raced and I felt anxious all of a sudden. How will I know if this man's actually telling the truth when I can't even remember my own name? Can I trust him?

His hand reached for my hand and gently squeezed it. His hand was warm and his eyes were staring at me with gentleness but there was something in my gut that was telling me otherwise.

"A-are you really my husband?" I asked him reluctantly, expecting him to show more emotion in his expression but his face remained the same.

 He brought out a small rectangular shaped enveloped from the pocket of his black jacket and handed it to me. I looked at him quizzically before I accepted and opened it just to be surprised when I realized that it was a marriage certificate. Angelique Davignon and Hunter Frederickson?

I handed him back the document but I didn't comment anything. Is that really me? Angelique Davignon?

"Are you okay baby?" He suddenly asked with a sweet voice which made me surprised again. 

A while ago he appeared to be so serious but now he was behaving like a caring husband. He leaned and kissed my forehead. I nodded my head yes and he smiled at me which caused my heart beat faster. I couldn't understand myself but I felt comfortable around him even though I initially felt uneasy a while ago.


"Where is Sheena?" I inquired Hunter. 

We were in his car going 'home' as he told me. He told me that we got married here and decided to stay here for good.

"She had to do something. She'll come tomorrow with her mom" I nodded my head and didn't ask anything again.

 I tried studying him at my peripheral vision and he was indeed good looking. No, good looking is an understatement. He was an Adonis and gorgeous specimen that any woman would love to have as a boyfriend or husband. His body was muscular and he's so tall too.

 He has a clean cut hair not like those guys nowadays with long bushy hair. I don't even know if that's what you call those dirty looking hairstyles. Well, I don't have anything against those hair styles but I just simply don't find them attractive.

"Does my wife likes what she sees?" I heard him asked amusedly and that made me blushed profusely. I didn't notice that he was also observing me discreetly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked feigning ignorance which made him chuckle and shrugged his shoulders.

 I stared again at him and tried to remember something about him but there was none. I couldn't even feel any familiar feeling towards him. I groaned inwardly as I closed my eyes to calm my senses because my head started to ache.


If you haven't read my other stories yet, feel free to do so:






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